
Type: Posts; User: Dennis Peacock; Keyword(s):

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  1. Greetings, I serviced my mower, cleaned up the...

    I serviced my mower, cleaned up the yard a bit from taking down a very large Red Oak tree that was dying and leaning towards the house. Spent time reworking my old 12' utility trailer....
  2. You boys better not make me stop this car!! :D

    You boys better not make me stop this car!! :D
  3. Creeker's Past Week's Accomplishments......Update

    2 Jan 2024
    Happy New Year - 2024 to each of you!

    I've been out with work and Rod Sheridan has graciously volunteered to continue the Creeker's Past Week's Accomplishment weekly posts....
  4. Replies

    Creeker's Past Week's Accomplishments

    20 Nov 2023

    It's been super busy at the day job and with family. I've not done a good job of keeping up here with the Past Week's Accomplishments each week. I guess it's time I decide...
  5. Creeker’s Past Weeks´s Accomplishments

    12 Oct 2023

    I am sorry for missing the weekly posts recently. Work and life have been time challenging and I have had to make choices of what my time was spent doing.
    The local temps...
  6. Creeker's Past Week's Accomplishments.....

    11 Sep 2023

    Been crazy busy at the day job but I am enjoying some of the work that I've been involved with. Managed a small ww'ing craft in the shop this week for a friend of mine....
  7. Creeker's Past Week's Accomplishments....

    04 Sep 2023

    I guess I missed last week's posting! I do forget from time to time and I tend to make family a priority choice since my day job requires so much of my time and effort. One...
  8. Creeker's Past Week's Accomplishments

    21 Aug 2023

    It's HOT here and HUMID!!! I've also had to spend $12K to replace my A/C unit!!! No air for several days, but we are in the cool once again. Was out of it on Monday due to...
  9. Creeker's Past Week's Accomplishments

    14 Aug 2023

    I realize that I missed last week. My apologies. I've been putting in a lot of hours at the day job due to system upgrades and such. Now, as of yesterday, my air...
  10. Creeker's Past Week's Accomplishments

    31 Jul 2023

    Hot and humid here and supposed to be 105* here on Saturday and that means my shop will be around 115*. Nothing but the day job this past week and a lawn mowing. Played...
  11. Creeker's Past Week's Accomplishments

    24 Jul 2023

    Running behind because the day job kept us busy for the past 36 hours straight. Worked in the yard, cleaned up more limbs from thunderstorms blowing through and then tried...
  12. Creeker's Past Week's Accomplishments

    17 Jul 2023

    Rain, storms, and then hot and humid. No real time in the shop except for getting to the lawn mower, weedeater, and backpack blower. The day job eats most of my time...
  13. Creeker's Past Week's Accomplishments

    10 Jul 2023

    Oncall week is coming to an end...until next time. Yard work, tree limb cleanup, and I finally got some electrical supplies in to run the 2 newly added machines to my shop....
  14. Creeker's Past Week's Accomplishments.....

    3 Jul 2023

    Greetings and Happy Independence Day a tad early. I've recently added a couple of machines to my woodworking shop. These should be the last big machines I add to my shop space.
  15. Creeker's Past Week's Accomplishments

    26 Jun 2023

    I'm a bit delayed due to the storms that went through here yesterday. Power is on, internet service is on, and the sun is shining again. Glad there was not house damage in...
  16. Replies

    Creeker's Past Week's Accomplishments

    19 Jun 2023

    I'm a day behind due to several things and I offer no excuses. No woodworking for me at the moment. Trying to find a 6" S&D 45 degree Wye to pipe in my added cabinet saw. I...
  17. Replies

    Creeker's Past Week's Accomplishments

    12 Jun 2023

    I hope this finds you and your family doing well. Yard work and oncall duty is all I have to report. I just need to make it one more year and I will retire and find a job...
  18. Creeker's Past Week's Accomplishments

    5 Jun 2023

    I hope this finds each of you doing well. I managed to get enough help to help me pickup and put in my shop a used cabinet style tablesaw and a nearly new stroke sander. Now...
  19. Creeker's Past Week's Accomplishments

    29 May 2023

    Happy Memorial Day - However today isn't "happy" for me as I pause to remember my brothers and sisters of the armed forces that didn't make it home to family. My heart is...
  20. Creeker's Past Week's Accomplishments

    22 May 2023

    Well, The LOML graduated college Saturday. So proud of her!!! National Technical Honor Society, Cum Laude, Phi Theta Kappa, Certified in Digital Accounting (Quickbooks) and...
  21. Creeker's Past Week's Accomplishments

    14 May 2023
    Oncall duty for work is about all I can say......I'm truly ready to say "I retire from IT work" but I probably should hang on for another year before I say that. I want to...
  22. Creeker's Past Week's Accomplishments

    8 May 2023

    Back to oncall duty again and I'm dreaming of the day that I don't have to do computer IT work any longer. :)
    Made a few small cutting boards for The LOML to give her...
  23. Creeker's Past Week's Accomplishments

    1 May 2023

    Been making some sandwich boards for The LOML to give to her college prof's just before she graduates. Been working on a few things but did manage to get my bench grinder...
  24. Creeker's Past Week's Accomplishments

    24 Apr 2023

    It's been a busy week with the day job and trying to get yard work done between the rain and storms. Such as the weather for this time of year. One of these days, I'll get...
  25. Creeker's Past Week's Accomplishments

    16 Apr 2023

    Been a long hard week at the day job. Every day helps me to look forward to retirement. :)

    working on fixing one of my 1 HP bench grinders. I should have it back in...
Results 1 to 25 of 500
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