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Thread: Study just about, well... done.

  1. #16

    Thumbs up

    All I can say is WOW!


  2. #17
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Birmingham, AL

    Thumbs up

    Very nice job Todd. I look forward to the final pictures.
    "Create a Vision...then make it a reality" (Some Assembly Required)

    Mike Palmer

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    TX Hill Country
    That is absolutely beautiful!!

    Todd, can you provide some details on the finishing. Did you use any stain/ dye? Please provide the steps in the finishing. thanks.

  4. #19
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Mishawaka, IN
    Beautiful work Todd! There's only one problem...

    My wife saw those pictures and got this look in her eyes. I know that look, and it scares me. I already told her not to think about it, but the seed has been planted. I don't know what room it's been planted in though. I told her the extent of my experience with that sort of thing is limited to hanging some somewhat cheesy paneling in the '70s. I also told her I'm fairly new to WWing, and you're experienced. I think that stemmed the tide for now.

    Please don't post such gorgeous work when my wife is sitting next to me on her PC. Pretty please?
    "Where ignorance is bliss, 'Tis folly to be wise."
    -Thomas Gray-

  5. #20
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    SF Bay Area, CA
    I think it's just okay...some people go overboard here....sigh....

    Wood: a fickle medium....

    Did you know SMC is user supported? Please help.

  6. #21
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Toronto, Ontario, Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by Chris Padilla
    I think it's just okay...some people go overboard here....sigh....

    Contrary to what Chris says, I don't think that it is possible to go overboard in praising the work that you have shown here Todd!

  7. #22
    Join Date
    Jan 2004

    We bow to the MASTER!!!!

    Truely the work of a master craftsman.

    Bobby McCarley

  8. #23

    Red face


    To say outstanding or beautiful is an understatement. I just haven't figured out if I am inspired to do better or change hobbies!

    Last edited by Bob Marino; 06-20-2004 at 9:20 AM. Reason: wrong icon
    bob m

  9. #24
    Todd, your work is outstanding!


    "On Wednesday, when the sky is blue,
    And I have nothing else to do,
    I sometimes wonder if it's true
    That who is what and what is who."

    (A.A. Milne, Winnie the Pooh)

  10. #25
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Chappell Hill, Texas
    Thanks all for the gracious comments.

    It's tough to get a good picture of the whole room, since the lighting is poor. The pictures of the chair rail and crown moulding and column really show off the color well. In the shot of the bookcases, they are the same color, but show up darker. The ceiling beams, not shown in these pictures, are a shade or two darker or the same color, but that was by design.

    The finishing process was an 8 step process:

    I started out with a toner, which is a NGR (non-grain raising) alcohol-based dye stain. I used cherry toner thinned 50% with lacquer thinner. I think it took about 2+ hours to spray the room.

    Then, I stained with a stain called Cinnamon. This was sprayed on and wiped off. Several hours to stain. Don't remember how long. That day was a blur.

    Then, I sealed with a water white vinyl sealer. It took well over an hour to spray the room. After that cooked for a little bit, we sanded the whole room. The sanding took 2 people over 5½ hours. I started with the countertops, let them dry a little bit, then attacked the rest of the room.

    Then, I went over the whole room with a van dyke brown wiping claze. Just that step took 2 people (me & my wife) over 8 hours. Sprayed on and wiped off. Then, I sealed again and scuff sanded where it was needed.

    Finally, it was 3 coats of satin lacquer, sanding over the first and second coats where needed. Countertops were sprayed last, and just before they were sprayed, I stopped to sand any overspray and dry dust off of them.

    Before starting the finishing process, I probably spent about a week and 1/4" of fingernails (ouch) finishing sanding everything to 150 grit with the grain. I didn't want to have to jack around with multiple coats of stain to get the darker colors out. The 150 grit provided the surface texture I needed to accomplish this.

    I would like to be finished Monday evening, but in all reality it will probably be Tuesday evening. This will be a long week - catching up on other jobs that have been waiting for me to finish this job that took 2½ months longer than it should have.

  11. #26
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Bealeton, Virginia
    Todd, You are truly an outstanding wood-worker who does beautiful work. I enjoy seeing your projects as I look on in amazement. Thanks for sharing.
    Life Sure Is Great! Enjoy It.

  12. #27

    Awsome as usual!!!! You do some really fantasic work!!!


  13. #28

    Finishing Cherry

    What can anyone say that hasn't already been said?
    Your dedication and excellent workmanship along with "the boss" makes for the most outstanding accomplishments that we have ever seen.
    "Howdy" from Southwestern PA

  14. #29
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Toronto, ON

    Thank You For Sharing These Photos, Todd

    You've got great taste and skill and I always appreciate seeing your work.
    Thank you.
    Howard Rosenberg

  15. #30

    I’ve been out of pocket for a bit, hence the delayed response, but I must say the study is gorgeous (as I knew it would be)! Your masterful workmanship and attention to detail shine through once again. It’s truly stunning. I love seeing your work and am grateful that you share it with all of us.

    Great job!


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