The requests for free kits have increased several fold lately. At the present time the requests will outrun the fund in short order.

Recent pleas for donations have been unsuccessful in meeting the demands.

At the present time I have 23 requests/orders for kits (380 bulk buy, 540 free). All these orders will be filled. (A delay is some will occur since requests have exceeded the inventory. I have 1200 kits more on order and expect some deliveries this week). This will result in a total of 9,115 kits (5,710 free & 3,405 bulk buy) provided so far.

After these orders/requests are filled some changes are required in order to satisfy as many individuals as possible. These changes will be in effect until a favorable forecast of the fund growth is apparent. The "free kit" program must operate on a "pay as we go" basis.

1. Bulk buy requests will be given priority. All bulk buy requests will be filled prior to any free kit requests being honored. The bulk buy program will continue unaffected.

2. Free kit requests will be limited to a maximum of 20/person.

3. Requests for large numbers of kits from Turning clubs and guilds, etc cannot be satisfied under the free kit program at this time. These groups are encouraged to solicit donations themselves to pay for kits thru the "bulk buy" program.

This is not good news for the program. We are working hard on obtaining official "non-profit" status which should help with corporate donations, etc. However, it appears the lead time involved with obtaining this status could be as much as 6 months.