So if you'll remember my thread from yesterday, I had been planning on cutting a 12-gauge romex to install an outlet.

Then I realized that I could simply reverse a fixture and free-up an outlet and my problem would be solved.

But when I unplugged the fixture, the entire box came with the plug.

The box was just nailed to the joist. It looks like the nails may have been pounded into the same holes a couple of times.

I checked a few of the other boxes down there that seem like they were part of the same install, and they all seem not so secure.

Can I open the boxes, move them a little (plenty of wire), and attach with screws? Or do I have to use nails?

And if I use screws, what kind should I use?

Sorry for the dumb questions. I really felt like I dodged a bullet until the box came with the plug.

I was soooo close.