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Thread: Making my shop look like a magazine shop?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Tacoma, WA

    Making my shop look like a magazine shop?

    Making my shop look like a magazine shop?

    I have 30 years worth of tools and parts. It is a spring cleanup and I am really trying to get them organized. I bought racks and bins and shelves. I have a great deal of it straightened out but I still have a lot of odds and ends from old projects. I just hate to get rid of a tool or throw away parts.

    I would appreciate any tips anyone has. It has gotten so bad that I am finding tools I bought because I forgot I already had one.

    I'm a Creeker, yes I m.
    I fries my bacon in a wooden pan.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    University Place, Washington
    Tom, I would be happy to come over and haul away any tools that I think don't belong, if that would help
    Sometimes we see what we expect to see, and not what we are looking at! Scott

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Toronto Ontario
    Tom, it took me a while to realize that all those odds and ends just made it harder to work in my shop.

    I now am ruthless and toss stuff out that doesn't have a definite use within one year.

    Clean up, free up space, and spend more time enjoying the shop as opposed to moving/routing through stuff.

    Regards, Rod.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Monroe, MI
    I have high ceilings so I bought some 8' racking uprights and 8' beams and put some of my bigger-stuff on there. I put the first beams far enough off the floor to still have room for my trash can, scrap metal bin, etc underneath. That eliminated the need for a lot of miscellaneous cabinet's and shelves. One section of shelving is intended for parts for projects-in-process. For example I had all my planer parts there instead of spread out on a bench. Now all the hardware I ordered for our now on hold kitchen is there, all together instead of stuck here and there.

    Another tip, which I learned from a friend is that rolling tool boxes like Craftsman boxes are great for woodworking shops too. He keeps all his shaper tooling in one. I've got one that's got a lot of miscellaneous stuff in it. I've got my eye on another that has drawers big enough for my routers.

    I also standardized most of my small hardware storage into Plano organizer boxes and built a cabinet to hold them, similar to the way they have them at the hardware store.

    I agree with Rod to some extent--except that I find when I throw something away I usually find a use for it a couple weeks later.

    These things really consolidated down a lot of storage for me and made a lot more space in my shop.
    Last edited by Matt Meiser; 05-06-2010 at 12:00 PM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Grand Forks, ND
    Organization and less clutter are key for me, I cant work efficiently in a messy shop. I use a rolling toolbox for alot of misc. tools and label the drawers. I bought some used systainers for my common fasteners, and use the "plano" style boxes for other misc. nuts, bolts, nails, etc. If it doesnt have a clear lid that I can see through, I label it.

    I also try to utilize large deadspaces, like under the tablesaw wing, under an assebmly table, etc. to house larger tools or cutoffs.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Colorado, USA
    I'm with Rod. Define a plan on how to handle odds and ends and stick with it. I personally follow the one year rule.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    LA & SC neither one is Cali
    If you really want to make it look like a magazine shop then build a new shop place all the tools in it carefully and then take pictures before you cut a single piece of wood.

    My approach to a large "clean up" is get all the true trash out first, then move section by section organizing. Then next is the final clean and polish. For me it takes a lot to throw anything out but unless you have a lot of spare room it is a must.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Arlington, VA
    I just ordered five dozen "dandy drawers"--fairly cheap plastic drawers that can be subdivided into to sections long-wise, three sections across, or six sections. Mine are 9" x 5" x 2", more or less. They have tabs on the sides that are TS blade kerf sized, so it's easy to make a frame for them. I printed some 1.5" x 4" labels from my printer. A one-night project that allowed me to get rid of a bunch of mismatched organizers and a pile of boxes. I've now got a color coded series of drawers for wood screws, machine screws, hex head bolts, sheet metal screws, drywall screws and anchors, pocket screws, RTA screws, cabinet pins, brads, you name it.

    I keep marveling now how I can actually find an M6 bolt if I want too. Although I probably should have taken Rod's advice and just thrown away the 3/8-24 bolts I found instead of making a drawer for them. (Who uses 3/8-24 anyway? Why do I have these?)

    If I really wanted to make my shop look like the ones you see in a magazine, I probably should have made the construction a little prettier (I used scrap ply) and put doors on it so you don't see all the drawers. But I have no illusions about my shop being centerfold material.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    London, Ont., Canada
    My contribution to this discussion is this: Cabinets, not shelves!

    Open shelves are quick and easy to build and install, but they collect dust, are hard to keep clean, and look messy.

    Cabinets have doors/drawers that close. This keeps out the dust, and keeps things looking neat.
    "It's Not About You."

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Orleans, Cape Cod, Ma.
    I am with Art, cabinets are the best idea. I usually put glass doors on which looks brighter, makes the shop look bigger, and of course lets us old timers remember what is in each cabinet. The next best thing to cabinets is to leave the tools where you last used them.... on the workbench, on the tablesaw, balancing precariously on the bandsaw or shaper table.... wherever is handy. That way you can see where the tools are, and not have to worry about memory loss. There are shortcomings though, such as the drill that gets knocked off and the expensive Fuller tapered drill bit breaks when landing on the floor, or in an effort to clear off the bench, a quick sweep of the hands forces a sharp chisel tip into your favorite index finger. And if you let the mess go on long enough, there will always be the big surprise when you finally find the "lost" tools that are down 3 layers.
    Go for the cabinets and occasional/frequent cleanup. Then, put the "odds and ends" in a holding area for a short time. It never fails, but the stuff we dispose of today has a home in a project a project a week later

  11. #11
    I would love to see some photos of your guys or gals shops. I maybe able to use some of your ideas in mine. I have so much junk laying around I hate to dump it as I may need it.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Northern Colorado
    Quote Originally Posted by Tom Walz View Post
    Making my shop look like a magazine shop?
    Me ??

    I'd start with a decent tequila or a single-malt scotch.

    At some point ... you'll see anything you want to see ... and then some.

    Just ... don't turn on any tools

  13. #13
    1. Buy a bunch of magazines
    2. Put them in racks/bins/etc. in a room
    3. Have a cigar room (optional)

  14. #14

    Warehouse it all.

    Everything has a place and everything is in it's place. In addition, there is different storage media, such as bins, drawers, shelves, cabinets, etc. Depending on the size of the shop, just using common sense may be best. If there are a few items you simple do not wish to part with, it may be best to number your storage media. Therefore, you can put something there, record it as row/stack/level and find it years later. Though, like a business, one has to be consistent. If it's movable storage, you should number it.

    I just wish I would follow my own advice.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    The Hartland of Michigan
    Since we replaced all the interior doors, I took 2 of them and hung them up as top shelves. Lots of room on them for the odds and ends.
    Never, under any circumstances, consume a laxative and sleeping pill, on the same night

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