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Thread: Time to UPGRADE baby!!! - help

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Chandler, AZ

    Time to UPGRADE baby!!! - help

    Hi all,

    I've finally decided now is the time to upgrade from my mini-jet 10x14 non VS lathe to a big boy lathe.

    I had my heart set on the Delta 46-460 and now I find myself hesitating. Everyone seems to love theirs so why wouldn't I?

    Stupid little devil guy on my shoulder keeps saying "Mustard... MUSTARD!". Stupid devil needs to realize money don't grow on trees even if paper does.

    Now the new Grizz G0698 (18" X 47") is in the ball park.

    I start comparing in my head...
    Delta - I would want the extension and Delta Stand (and extension to the stand). That puts me right over the $1k mark - give or take.

    Grizz - 18" X 47", no "extras" needed. 2HP. Bad boy lathe. $1300 (ish).

    I figure shipping is a pretty much a wash - or taxes if purchased locally.

    If I ever want to turn something bigger than 18" I could always slide that headstock down the ways. The 12.5" on the Delta is limiting.

    Fit and finish on the Delta may be a little better. I wish I could see a Grizz before taking the plunge.

    what would you do? - for $300 I consider it a wash on price... especially as I don't want to have to upgrade in the future.

    Dang... I think I answered my own post.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Harvey, Michigan
    Jon - just something else for you to consider is that usually around this time of year Jet and Powermatic have sales. Give Sean at Tool Nut a call or email and see what kind of a deal he can do for you. You know what the Grizz price is - at least this would give you a chance to consider your options!

    Good luck! Looking forward to seeing photos of your new lathe - whatever it ends up being!

    “You never know what you got til it's gone!”
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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    I had the Grizzly on back order for a month and a half before I changed my mind. I did a lot of research online and for the most part users were happy with the 18x47 lines, but i did not find anyone pushing the limits of these machines, which is where I believe the short coming will be seen. I have an endless supply of big hardwood available, just have to go out in the woods and pick it up, and all winter to turn so I became leery about constantly pushing the limits of the Grizz. Plus waiting a month and a half with no firm delivery was scary, what if I needed parts. Like Steve said, I believe the Jets and PM's go on sale this week. Good luck.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Green Bay

    I went through 3 lathes before getting my taste of mustard. I shopped a year and finally found a used one I could afford and it's been wonderful.

    Now I don't know what to do w my delta midi and the jet vs mini has been given to LOML.

    Some great people here are patiently teaching me the ins and outs of turning bigger stuff and I'm loving it.

    Good luck with your choice

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    West Virginia
    I went from the small Jet to the Delta and LOVE it! However I can already see a much larger unit in my future but to be honest thats a far sight off.

    Good luck and if you have the patience or the funds....try and do it once haha!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Cullowhee N.C.
    My advise is to buy more lathe than you will ever need once and it only hurts you once. My first and only lathe purchase for my home shop is a Oneway 1640 which has done every thing I would ever want it to do. I had turned on a number of lathes in the school shop that I teach at even a Mustard Monster, but I wanted my first personal purchase to be my last. Being a school teacher that doesn't make a lot of money. I want any money spent to be spent on something that will last me as long as possible. With the outboard capability of 24" my lathe is doing great. I have also proved one of the sayings you used to be wrong. Money does grow on trees now that I've improved my turning. I've payed for my 1640 lathe, Oneway coring system, MM16 bandsaw and about half of my shop that I just finished last year from selling game calls and bowls I've turned on the lathe. I am just now starting to put some of the money from sells into savings for the future.
    Happy shopping,

    Jack Mincey

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Toledo, OH
    I received an email from Tool Nut: the price on the Jet 1642VS 1.5 HP is going to be $1599.99 and the 2HP model $1899.99. Just food for thought, Nova lathes are on sale until the end of the month.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Greensboro, NC
    I have had the Delta 46-460 since January. It is my first lathe and while it is an excellent piece of equipment the swing is very limiting. After rough turning, drying and finish turning producing an 11 inch bowl is about the max. While that is fine I constantly have people asking if I can make them a larger bowl. I will be upgrading to the Grizz you mentioned within the next year if I continue to hear positive reviews on the machine. I seriously considered the Jet 1642 but I fear I will be in the same predicament there as I have already had requests for a 16 inch bowl and and the Jet would not have the capacity to meet their needs. I don't know that I will ever have the need to turn anything much larger than that. The personal desire to do so maybe but the need to fill a customer order, probably not. The Grizz seems to have that magic blend of significant capacity at a very good price point. I do want to see continuing positive reviews on the machine before I pull the trigger though.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Mooresville,N.C,Race City,USA

    Time to UPGRADE baby!!! - help

    if you want to turn beyond 16" on the jet ,slide the headstock down to the end and turn bigger to your hearts content.I'm working on a similar setup to how the 3520 set's up for outboard turning but really I rarely have a need to go that big.Nobody has asked for a 17" christmas ornament yet. Think about the finials!

    personally I don't see it as a tuff choice between the Grizz and the jet 16/42.I have the 2 hp version and think it's worth the $300 price difference as long as you have 220 volt power.I have Grizz stuff all over my shop but the lathes have not proven them selves out $.02

  10. #10
    I would go with one of the Jet's previously mentioned from ToolNut. Sean is offering free shipping to your garage and you probably won't pay sales tax either. For $1599, that is a sweet deal!

  11. #11
    I have a PM 3520A and I'm working on a 15+ inch diameter low hollow form now. It's the first piece of that diameter in almost a year. If I didn't have this lathe, I would have cut this piece of rosewood smaller to start with.
    Big pieces have a fairly narrow market. If you're making them because you like them, fine, but they are slow to sell. In my mind, it doesn't pay to think of size first and second... I'm thinking about getting the 46-460 because it does almost everything to the same degree as the MM, but it's more compact. I could, for instance, use it for 99.8% of my sanding and finishing, because it goes slow enough and forward and backward. I'd use it for my local demo stuff because it is more versatile than the Delta Mini I already have.
    The features I value most on the PM are mass for turning out of balance stuff, variable speed, for the same reason and sanding. Reverse for sanding and finishing and swing, just to have the option when I want it. I even have the outboard turning stand, and have used it a couple of times.

    I favor a big lathe, don't get me wrong, but not because it turns big pieces, but because of what else it can do.
    Change One Thing

  12. I have a Grizzly G0698, and my experience is that it will hold its own with the Jet 16/42 and has more capacity in swing and between centers. I like the Jet a lot, and almost purchased it before the Grizzly.......I have not in any way regretted my decision to go with the Grizzly........

    In fact, I was actually surprised at the performance, power and smoothness of the Grizzly model. If a 5 year warranty is important, then go with the Jet or the Mustard. I have turned on 2 different 3520b's and been up close to a lot of Jet 16/42's when a friend was turning........the Grizzly G0698 has the same features [minus the cage] and will do anything the Jet will do, and most of what the 3520b will do......over the bed, and if you slide the headstock to the end of the ways, you can turn 38 inches or so..........the performance has been superb!

    The Grizzly 18/47 does not have near as long a history on the market as the PM or the Jet, so most folks don't have the trust level with a newly marketed machine, but when more get out there, I think that will change in time. I am a happy camper with mine.

    Good luck with your pick!
    Remember, in a moments time, everything can change!

    Vision - not just seeing what is, but seeing what can be!

  13. #13
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Washington's Coast
    Mustard! On sale right now at Tool Nut.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Chandler, AZ
    you guys are killing me.... I didn't even consider the bigger Jet. more to contemplate.

    Still leaning toward the Grizz...





  15. I would upgrade to the Jet 16/42 if I knew I could sell My Jet 14/42. Would be nice to have var. speed and reverse. Not sure if my chucks and faceplates would work.

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