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Thread: Hearing Protection & Respirators

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Ames, IA

    Hearing Protection & Respirators

    Sorry, again, as I know this subject has likely been kicked around. However, my inexpensive OS (from Lowes) ear/sound protectors broke for the second time this weekend. Lowes didn't have a replacement - maybe that's a good omen. So, what all recommendations do you guys have that you like? As long as we're at it, what types of respirators do you like? I've only used the fairly inexpensive ones. The problem I have, like most users, is they tend to fog up the glasses. Thanks, in advance, for any recommedations.

  2. I'm a fan of the 7500 series half face respirator from 3M. The medium is a bit big for me but does not fog up my glasses. Good contact across the whole interface. After long use i do get condensation inside and have to take it off and dry out which is a bit annoying. This is worse as the weather gets colder (shop not heated).

    I have hepa filters on it and can make sawdust all day without feeling it in my lungs.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Monroe, MI
    I like the 7500 series too. I have 2--one with the pink dust filters and one with charcoal filters for spraying.

    For hearing protection, again I have 2. The first is a pair of Peltor ear muffs that I bought in the shooting section at Cableas. The second are set of Bilsom T3 Thunder ear muffs that a client gave me when I was visiting a site since they required ear muffs instead of the usual disposable ear protectors but didn't tell me until I arrived. I like both but prefer the latter.

  4. #4
    +1 for 3M and Peltor. If the budget allows, the full-face 6000 is excellent.

  5. #5
    my biggest problem with hearing protection is that it's too bulky to want to wear, and those that aren't tend to get lost. I really like the Zem hearing protection from Lee Valley.

    They are small enough that they don't get in the way, and you can wear them all the time. When you don't need them they fit in a pocket or around your neck. And with 26db noise reduction, then work really well. To get better you need to get either foam inserts for your ears, or a permanent ear plug. I tend to find them very uncomfortable and too bothersome to use on a hobby basis. They work great in a factory environment where you need to have them in for 4-6 hours at a time, and a noise level that requires them.


  6. #6
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    Things in my ears bothered me so I switched to Peltor years ago. Sears carries them in the garden department for about $17 on the 28db model and about $24 for the 30db. I run the 28db's because that's what they had when I was looking for them. My cyclone is directly to the right of my tablesaw and when running both I am completely comfortable.

    AO Safety made my favorite respirator. Maximum visibility, light weight and inexpensive. So of course, 3M discontinued it when they bought AO. I really dislike the dual cartridge, vision robbing half masks. The area I am most concerned with when operating the tablesaw is mostly blocked by them with your head in a natural position. I am trying the Lee Valley one as a possible going forward mask but, the jury is still out. It is not as large as it appears in the picture . . . that guy must have a really small head ;-)

  7. #7
    MSA AM/FM Stereo hearing protection and 3M half face with the pink filters.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Lafayette, IN
    If a respirator or dust mask is fogging up your glasses, it is either the wrong size or is not fitted/adjusted properly. I wear glasses and wear respirators while spraying large volumes of paint--I never have problems with my glasses fogging.

    If you're just using a nuisance dust mask (paper mask), get the one that have a foam cushion under the metal nose band. When you pinch the metal band to form it to your nose, don't push it into your nose, pinch from the ends or near the ends of the metal strip and allow the center of the metal band to peak a little above the bridge of your nose.

    "Don't get stuck on stupid." --Lt. Gen. Russel Honore

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    SF Bay Area
    I usually use my 3m half mask, but my sister gave me a pack of these - they're great for the attic, crawlspace, etc. I can get several uses out of one before the elastic fails.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Victoria, BC
    Love this mask. doesn't fog glasses, and seals on my beard. Very comfortable.,42207

  11. #11
    I'm another fan of the Peltors and 3M 7500's.

    Not cheap but worth it.

    We used to call the cheap hearing protectors "head-clamps".

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Pooler (Savannah), GA
    Another fan for the Peltor.

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