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Thread: Aghhhhh!!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Bristol and Pound Virginia


    Spraying some lacquer and It keeps blushing! I've sanded it down twice now. I've sprayed a few time where I had to let it "cook" overnight and it would clear up but no dice this time. I've been doing this for more years than I care to admit but I'm stumped. Sorry but I'm home for lunch and didn't think to snap a few pics.

    So far heres what I have done. Drained comp. tank and filter, played with ratio of retarder and fish eye remover. Shop is about 74 degrees. It's damp outside but shop is dry. Lumber for piece has MC about 6%-7% and has been in shop for months. Lacquer has been in shop a couple months but I sprayed some of it less than a week ago with no problem.

    I thought it might be something on the wood but last time I sanded it down and wiped with mineral spirits. I'm at a loss here. I'm gona stop and pick up another can of finish and see if it's something in mine. ANY help or just guesses would be welcome at this point! This piece is due by Friday and my finish guy just sat down and said "I don't know what the $%%^ is up with it" He's been with me for years and the guy knows his stuff. If he's stumped then I'm in trouble.
    Last edited by shane lyall; 01-18-2012 at 1:20 PM. Reason: spelling

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    What exact product are you using? What finish? I had a similar problem with some Target WB EM6000 satin. Ended up being user error - didn't mix it well enough.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Bristol and Pound Virginia
    Thank for the quick reply Mike. It's was in the old lacquer I guess. I ran by and picked up a new can on my way back to shop. They had one of the doors ready to spray when I got here. Mixed a new batch and so far so good. It must have just gotten a little moisture in the can somehow. Who knows? I should be able to tell a little more as it drys in the next hour.

  4. #4
    Next time, try spraying it with blush remover before sanding it all off. It's basically just solvent and reflows the finish and allows the moisture to escape.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Bristol and Pound Virginia
    Thanks John. I've never tried the blush remover. I don't use alot of retarder unless it hot and humid but was ready to try anything today. I doubled my usual mix just to see if it would clear up if it dryed a little slower. We did try laying a quick thin coat of lacquer thinner down on top but didn't really give it time to flow out in all fairness. I've used Deft for a long time and had no real trouble until now. I hate to toss a better than 3/4 full can but at $30 or so a gallon its a small price to not have the trouble again. Thanks for the replys

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