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Thread: I've never regretted watching a David Charlesworth instructional video...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2008

    I've never regretted watching a David Charlesworth instructional video...

    And now there is one more:

    Direct from his Devon, UK, workshop, David discusses the Secret Mitre Dovetail, which has a reputation for being among the most difficult joints to cut successfully. In this DVD, David will show you that this fascinating joint, with many uses, is not as hard as one might think. David’s specialty is getting the most out of hand tools in precise, original and efficient ways, and his methods aim to eliminate common problems.

    Ordered mine today!
    clamp the work
    to relax the mind

  2. #2
    David is top shelf.

    Plus, when I put his videos in, my wife runs out of the room. So there is more than one benefit to playing his videos.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2008

    My blood pressure usually drops about 10 points, so there is that, too.
    clamp the work
    to relax the mind

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Johannesburg, South Africa
    Quote Originally Posted by David Weaver View Post
    Plus, when I put his videos in, my wife runs out of the room. So there is more than one benefit to playing his videos.
    My wife does that for any woodworking video. That new DC video looks interesting.
    "If you have all your fingers, you can convert to Metric"

  5. #5
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    LOL, my wife actually entertains a lot of this stuff. I found a video on a Japanese carpenter who basically spent his working life rebuilding temples, one in particular which was half of a matched pair in which one had burnt down. He meticulously rebuilt the temple utilizing the previous one as template.

    The video eventually got into the way of life of the temple carpenters which consists of honing their blades in the morning, working all day on the temples, then spending spare time in the evenings building tools such as planes. Sounds very similar to David's minus the temple building (unless maybe I'm unaware).
    Bumbling forward into the unknown.

  6. #6
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    David is great. One of the very few that describes it as it is without attempting to spice it up hollywood style, and has a wide enough background to come up with good solutions to issues. His methods work...

  7. #7
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    Roy Underhill and Chris Schwarz recently demonstrated the making of this joint during an episode on campaign furniture.

    It appears it is from this season so it isn't available online unless I do not know something about accessing the online programs.

    I have it recorded and tend to keep the programs for a while to watch a few times.

    There are not many videos I have regretted watching. Even the ones where I do not agree on the means or the style have some aspect upon which they may shed some light and understanding.

    The hardest to learn from are those who put me to sleep.

    "A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty."
    - Sir Winston Churchill (1874-1965)

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by David Weaver View Post
    David is top shelf.

    Plus, when I put his videos in, my wife runs out of the room. So there is more than one benefit to playing his videos.
    For me it's "Ted" talks, featuring Dean Kamen.
    It's like one of those implanted words used
    to trigger the Manchurian Candidate programming.

  9. #9
    I am excited about this one as it was shot in my workshop in Devon. Artisan media did an outstanding job with the filming and the closeups are superb.

    There are many detailed techniques shown, so beside the spouse banishing effects I hope it will be most enjoyable and useful. ( Although I have been told that some wives enjoy my stuff!)

    Best wishes,

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by david charlesworth View Post
    ( Although I have been told that some wives enjoy my stuff!)

    Best wishes,
    HA! Excellent double entendre.
    USMC '97-'01

  11. #11
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    Aug 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by david charlesworth View Post
    I am excited about this one as it was shot in my workshop in Devon. Artisan media did an outstanding job with the filming and the closeups are superb.
    Well, I've already finished my first viewing. I was great to see the workshop... and the filming really is very good.

    More than anything, I really appreciate the step by step approach David takes to even the sub-tasks of preparing the joint. His use of guides, jigs, and shims is one of those so simple things that I never quite remember to working that into my routine. Great reminders.

    And although we joke about the pace of David's work, it really is quite good to feel the pace of it and see how being methodical is it's own kind of speed. At one point he resharpens his chisel and they have a timer going in the upper corner. He works at his usual methodical pace, but it's surprising how little time passes in fact.

    Although it might just be my sense of humor, I also really enjoy the one-liners he inserts into his commentary, mostly observations of how things can get easily messed up if you rush and other observations from years of teaching his students.

    Wishing you great success with the video and continued recovering health!
    clamp the work
    to relax the mind

  12. #12
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    Houston, TX

    Could you share the video name? or url link?


    Quote Originally Posted by Brian Holcombe View Post
    LOL, my wife actually entertains a lot of this stuff. I found a video on a Japanese carpenter who basically spent his working life rebuilding temples, one in particular which was half of a matched pair in which one had burnt down. He meticulously rebuilt the temple utilizing the previous one as template.

    The video eventually got into the way of life of the temple carpenters which consists of honing their blades in the morning, working all day on the temples, then spending spare time in the evenings building tools such as planes. Sounds very similar to David's minus the temple building (unless maybe I'm unaware).

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by Hilton Ralphs View Post
    My wife does that for any woodworking video. That new DC video looks interesting.
    It is the confirming voice that I am about to watch something that is interesting to watch when my wife runs out of the room. And between a friend and I, we have or have had all of the videos. If we watch a video at his house, his wife always says "Oh no, it's Jesus again!" We did a fair amount of stuff where we were working together on things early in my hobby, and if we were spraying something, it was sort of 10 minutes on, 15 minutes of waiting (which turns into drinking a beer and watching a david charlesworth video).

    So, David, there you have it. You have been renamed as Jesus. Jesus the cabinetmaker instead of carpenter, I guess!

  14. #14
    Well David, it won't be the first time. It's very kind but unfortunately I am not remotely like that!

    Last edited by david charlesworth; 11-19-2014 at 3:31 PM.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    South Coastal Massachusetts
    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Petersen View Post
    HA! Excellent double entendre.
    I want DC to promote sawdust as "man glitter".

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