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Thread: Salt Mill Questions

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    Clayton, NC

    Salt Mill Questions


    I just completed my first salt mill yesterday, it is a Chef Specialties mill, but I now have a couple of questions/concerns.

    1. Is the grind adjustable on this model? The reason I ask is because I had the thumbscrew completely backed off and it still only gave me a powder. It looks like the retainer bar actually contacts the male grinder preventing it from separating from the female grinder, therefore only giving me the super-fine powder output.

    2. Do I need to coat the inside of the mill to prevent the salt from absorbing moisture? I filled the mill last night and went to use it this morning and the salt at the output was wet so I emptied the whole mill into a bowl and the salt was all wet, not damp but actually wet.



  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Blairsville GA
    Bill, when you loosen the screw at the top, you should be able to see the rotating burr at the base move downward, opening up the gap. If it doesn't, it could be that the spring is not oriented correctly, or the overall length of the mill is a bit long such that loosening doesn't allow any opening of the grind.
    If your mill isn't completely dry, it could be absorbing some moisture from the wood. My wife doesn't use our mills directly over any pots giving off steam, instead she will grind into a small dish/cup and then put in. Just a thought if that could be what's happening.
    Laugh at least once daily, even if at yourself!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    Clayton, NC
    Tim, thanks for the information. I know that I am supposed to see the gap widen but I do not see it widen because it looks like the male grinder is contacting the retainer clip. Also, there is no spring in the kit, the pepper mills have a spring but from what I have seen in all of the photos for the chef specialties salt mill there is no spring...maybe that is the real problem.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Sorry, but I'm going to pile on your post so as not to create another one (there are a few active right now). This may help you out too.

    I also recently completed my first salt mill ( ) and after using it for a few weeks my wife doesn't like that it leaves a little salt on the counter when you set it down. We have it on a small plate right now but there must be a more elegant solution. Right?



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