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Thread: G0766 ... they're on their way!!!

  1. #121
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Great Falls, VA
    Quote Originally Posted by hu lowery View Post

    Speculation is rife, the stomach is churning, and the internet forums are burning! Does the G-0766 really exist? Did it ever exist? Will it ever exist? Stay tuned to this forum to find out!

    In further news, Grizzly HQ announces that it has added three dozen customer service personnel to handle the crush of emails and telephone calls from expectant purchasers of the new G0766 wood lathe inquiring of latest delivery status.

  2. Quote Originally Posted by David C. Roseman View Post
    In further news, Grizzly HQ announces that it has added three dozen customer service personnel to handle the crush of emails and telephone calls from expectant purchasers of the new G0766 wood lathe inquiring of latest delivery status.
    In all honesty, David.......if Grizzly CS had gotten it's story correct and given out correct information to all who called, this entire thing could have been avoided! To be fair, they probably thought they were giving correct information! One person gets one answer, another gets another answer, one gets one date and another another date, and it ends up being confusion! Of course, depending on when a particular customer ordered and what part of the country they are in does affect the date of shipment!

    Now, I was told by one CS rep that the lathes were on American soil, and between the port and distribution center..........the gentleman who called me told me they had not arrived yet. She probably thought that was the case, but reliable information seems sketchy, and no doubt the CS reps were just going by what was the normal sequence that "usually" happens. I think there must have been some unusual occurrences with this model, with production delays, and the work slow down at the ports........

    I said it before, and I will repeat it.......American consumers are just not used to having to wait on things they purchase, and it generally ticks them off when they have to!

    BTW.........I think the pot is beginning to boil!
    Last edited by Roger Chandler; 05-22-2015 at 9:30 PM.
    Remember, in a moments time, everything can change!

    Vision - not just seeing what is, but seeing what can be!

  3. #123
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Great Falls, VA
    Roger, I think you're right about the boiling pot! Temperature's rising, for sure!

    I suspect that what's happened with the G0766 traces back to the timing of a decision Grizzly's marketing dept. had to make in early or mid-2014. Faced with a publication deadline for their 2015 catalog, do they include the lathe in the hard copy while still uncertain as to how early in the New Year they'd be able to deliver them. Unless Grizzly typically prints multiple runs of their paper catalog throughout the year, I can see how that might have been a tough call to make back then. With 20/20 hindsight, they might well have handled this differently. I'd be curious as to whether they've ever had such a groundswell of anticipation over the rollout of one of their large bench machines.

  4. Quote Originally Posted by David C. Roseman View Post
    Roger, I think you're right about the boiling pot! Temperature's rising, for sure!

    I suspect that what's happened with the G0766 traces back to the timing of a decision Grizzly's marketing dept. had to make in early or mid-2014. Faced with a publication deadline for their 2015 catalog, do they include the lathe in the hard copy while still uncertain as to how early in the New Year they'd be able to deliver them. Unless Grizzly typically prints multiple runs of their paper catalog throughout the year, I can see how that might have been a tough call to make back then. With 20/20 hindsight, they might well have handled this differently. I'd be curious as to whether they've ever had such a groundswell of anticipation over the rollout of one of their large bench machines.
    Yes........I remember that the original timing for delivery was thought to be Feb. 14th.........that was probably the info they got from the factory. Hard to rely on the Chinese.......just look at all the problems with copyright infringement and such they have committed.....even down to copying the stealth jet fighters!
    Remember, in a moments time, everything can change!

    Vision - not just seeing what is, but seeing what can be!

  5. #125
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    Chicago Heights, Il.
    Henry Ford also had the oak crates that the engines were packed in sawed to the same size as the boards in the Floor of his cars. Dissembled the crates and dropped them into the cars bodywork. They also recycled all metal right down to the metal from drilling the holes. Visiting the Foed Museum in Detroit is a great adventure.
    Member Illiana Woodturners

  6. #126
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    just to firm up bad news for some of us I ordered the g0766 on mar 31 and was given a may 22 date so I called them on the 22nd and was told that it would be June 22 approx. and they really expressed the approx. part. good thing I have not sold the old lathe yet.

  7. #127
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    Nacogdoches, TX
    Not to depress anyone further, but I ordered mine January 2. Just checked my invoice. anyone out there order before that?

    i just blew a belt on my old lathe and found the 766 while browsing. Ordered the same day. My only request is that they take a serious look at their supply chain and give me a genuine date. I can't take these emotional ups and downs😖😖.

  8. #128
    Jim, I ordered January 3rd, accidentally wrote Feb. 3rd on my previous post. I'm 6th in line, Roger is 1st, so I'd imagine you're in between there and in the first shipment.
    "The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes." - Proust

  9. #129
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Jim Sevey View Post
    Not to depress anyone further, but I ordered mine January 2. Just checked my invoice. anyone out there order before that?

    i just blew a belt on my old lathe and found the 766 while browsing. Ordered the same day. My only request is that they take a serious look at their supply chain and give me a genuine date. I can't take these emotional ups and downs.

    Something smells fishy here - thread started May 1st that lathes are on there way, a month later, nine pages of comments and no deliveries? Wonder if there is more to it than a "supply chain" issue?

  10. Quote Originally Posted by Jim Sevey View Post
    Not to depress anyone further, but I ordered mine January 2. Just checked my invoice. anyone out there order before that?

    i just blew a belt on my old lathe and found the 766 while browsing. Ordered the same day. My only request is that they take a serious look at their supply chain and give me a genuine date. I can't take these emotional ups and downs.

    I was told by one CS rep there were 23 units in the first shipment and 59 on back order, so you should be in the first round that ships out. I think the back orders will roll in much more quickly than the initial order.
    Last edited by Roger Chandler; 05-24-2015 at 1:57 PM.
    Remember, in a moments time, everything can change!

    Vision - not just seeing what is, but seeing what can be!

  11. Quote Originally Posted by Mike Goetzke View Post
    Something smells fishy here - thread started May 1st that lathes are on there way, a month later, nine pages of comments and no deliveries? Wonder if there is more to it than a "supply chain" issue?
    Ths CS reps were going on the "confirmed date" that the factory gave them............that was to the port and misunderstood by some to mean at the distribution center. Turns out they were a bit later [not sure if a week, or a few days more] but the Asst. Mgr. of the Missouri distribution center told me he thought that it would all be resolved in a few more days........they had to clear customs, etc, and I am not sure how all that process is carried out.

    I can be patient for a bit will turn out okay!
    Remember, in a moments time, everything can change!

    Vision - not just seeing what is, but seeing what can be!

  12. #132
    Quote Originally Posted by Roger Chandler View Post
    I was told by one CS rep there were 23 units in the first shipment and 59 on back order, so you should be in the first round that ships out. I think the back orders will roll in much more quickly than the initial order.


    I hate to say it but CS rep's as a group have zero credibility with me at this point. My order on May 20th was supposed to be the 90somethenth ordered and I was told there would be enough in the first shipment to fill all back orders including mine. The lathe will get here when it gets here but meantime I am past believing any information coming from Grizzly. They are rapidly becoming the Dell of the machine world. When they oversell something they will eventually ship to the people they can't sell something else to or piss off enough they cancel an order. Look for a very large price increase in next years catalog.

    I have considered it all a joke until now, reading one more radically different set of details is enough to annoy me. My delivery date just moved to the fall if your info is correct! I'll wait on this lathe but I'll make a point of buying from other suppliers whenever possible if this latest information is correct. Was thinking about ordering a few hundred dollars worth of more stuff from them as I was sitting here, . . . until I read your last post!


  13. Quote Originally Posted by hu lowery View Post

    I hate to say it but CS rep's as a group have zero credibility with me at this point. My order on May 20th was supposed to be the 90somethenth ordered and I was told there would be enough in the first shipment to fill all back orders including mine. The lathe will get here when it gets here but meantime I am past believing any information coming from Grizzly. They are rapidly becoming the Dell of the machine world. When they oversell something they will eventually ship to the people they can't sell something else to or piss off enough they cancel an order. Look for a very large price increase in next years catalog.

    I have considered it all a joke until now, reading one more radically different set of details is enough to annoy me. My delivery date just moved to the fall if your info is correct! I'll wait on this lathe but I'll make a point of buying from other suppliers whenever possible if this latest information is correct. Was thinking about ordering a few hundred dollars worth of more stuff from them as I was sitting here, . . . until I read your last post!


    Hu.....all along there has been indications from CS that there would be multiple shipments.........nothing I, nor anyone else has posted has mentioned a fall delivery date. The latest I remember being mentioned is the third shipment arriving in July.

    True there was wrong info given by some CS reps, but from what I understand, it was because of that "confirmed date" that was in their system, based on info from the Shandong factory, which turned out to be innacurrate. [production delays and port slow downs....who knows?] The reps were going on this info when replying to inquiries.

    I personally do not think Grizzly has control of the entire process, and has to deal with the hiccups, and the customer rage, and are likely in an untenable situation and are doing all in their power to get customers taken care of as quickly as the circumstances they are dealt allow them to do so.
    Last edited by Roger Chandler; 05-24-2015 at 4:18 PM. Reason: typos- auto spell on ipad
    Remember, in a moments time, everything can change!

    Vision - not just seeing what is, but seeing what can be!

  14. #134
    Quote Originally Posted by Roger Chandler View Post
    The last conversation I had with a CSR @ Grizzly said the 15th of May was a "confirmed" date. She checked on my specific order by the order number...........not sure how the person you spoke with looked up your request.......not sure how they work out all the logistics? We are certainly getting close, so we will see how it all works out!

    Respectfully, your "confirmed" date of 11 days ago was not truly confirmed as all of the supposed snafus (shipping, etc...) were surely worked into that "confirmed" date on your specific order or how was it "confirmed"? Confirmed means it's official and that they know they'll have it by a certain date and when it will be delivered.

    Regardless of what they are telling you, your order being number 1 or 21 shouldn't matter as they are not just sending 1 out the first day that they deliver them to customers.

    I mean Wow!, even though it has to arrive eventually, I truly feel bad for a lot of you who seem to have been strung along. In the same situation, I'd be like Hu at this point and have a hard time giving the CS at Grizzly any credibility. Is this typical for Grizzly with new releases or is it all to be blamed on shipping and docks holding merchandise?

    Life is a gift, not a guarantee.

  15. #135

    First you have to put it on the boat . . .

    Quote Originally Posted by David Cramer View Post

    Respectfully, your "confirmed" date of 11 days ago was not truly confirmed as all of the supposed snafus (shipping, etc...) were surely worked into that "confirmed" date on your specific order or how was it "confirmed"? Confirmed means it's official and that they know they'll have it by a certain date and when it will be delivered.

    Regardless of what they are telling you, your order being number 1 or 21 shouldn't matter as they are not just sending 1 out the first day that they deliver them to customers.

    I mean Wow!, even though it has to arrive eventually, I truly feel bad for a lot of you who seem to have been strung along. In the same situation, I'd be like Hu at this point and have a hard time giving the CS at Grizzly any credibility. Is this typical for Grizzly with new releases or is it all to be blamed on shipping and docks holding merchandise?



    At this point I don't believe the first 766 has ever left the factory. The new dates indicate they haven't. Order something on E-Bay from china and you will get it in about that time or less. These dates seem to indicate leaving the factory today, um tomorrow, um maybe next week, um maybe next month, um they are gonna leave the factory . . . . . Burt has offered this lathe since 2012. Apparently they just finally sold it to somebody this year, Grizzly. Meantime, Burt ain't tooled up to make it. My bet is the delay is headstock and tailstock castings which are different than anything else produced before. Everything else is pretty much off the shelf items.


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