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Thread: Does Anyone Else Listen....

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Northern UT
    I have a 45 minute commute each way so listen to NPR each way. Any more when I try to find something else to listen too, I last about 2 minutes. I should have listed Snap Judgement too, but I pretty much listen to it as a pod cast. I drove to my brother's cabin in Montana this summer and spent the entire 6 hours listening to Snap Judgement pod casts.

    I got hooked on it when I was living in Montana and routinely had 3 - 6 hour drives. I agree Car Talk was / is a good show as well, but it was never one of my favorites. PHC is one I really enjoy but seldom have the radio on at that time. The one show that I listen to, but find myself talking back to because I disagree so much, is the Diane Rehm show. I enjoy the topics for the most part, but Diane is a bit too liberal for me, though she mostly stays neutral, mostly.

    I think I enjoy Morning Edition the most as they have so many interesting stories. I sent a link on one where they talked about Squirrels picking up the same warning cries as certain birds to my siblings, and one of my sisters told me that she had been listening to the same story, but reached school and had to stop. That has happened several times.

    I got my oldest son hooked on it and one of my daughters listens occasionally too.

    Glad to know I am not alone in my enjoyment of NPR.

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    West Lafayette, IN
    Speaking of enjoyment of npr, I should make a donation to help keep them on the air.

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