That's ok, I know where there are three young backs...and they can haul the dryer out when needed.

Resaw on a 2x4 takes a LONG time. Finally got ONE corner post sized....almost. Needed a cambered jack to level things out, and get rid of any saw marks.....then a Jumbo Jack to clean up after this hungry beasty...
cambered jack.JPG
And the Jumbo...
jumbo jack.JPG
Was trying for a 4/4 thick board,,, wound up at 1-1/8"...close enough. I planed both faces, to clean things up, then worked on the edges...
edge work.JPG
Made use of both the leg vise, and the Crochet. The BIG plane laying on it's side to the right? A Stanley No. 7c, Type 9. I was looking for the best edge, for the next step...
45 work.JPG
Same Stanley #45, same cutter, as used on the rails. Plane is running a lot better now. Once the edge was done, I laid out where the bottom rail would go.....and made another saw cut...
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leaves a 1" x 1" pad to sit on the floor. At the other end of the angled cut, is the bottom of the bottom rail. Debating on whether to do any round-overs there....

One down, three to go. Also need 6 more rails done....but, I do have all week to work on it, right?

Still trying to find the ranges of the camera settings.....there is only a "Macro" and a "Micro", there is no in-between. Anything closer than 24omm is in the Macro range...Micro is way out there @ 1.5m.........Not sure I have THAT much room in the, maybe a few pictures will not be quite as sharp as in progress, just like this dresser build.