I own almost all of the handtool technique books currently in print. I learn more watching videos on YouTube. For me a lot of the learning of the technique (especially for planing) is about learning what sound to listen for. This is probably why I can plane pretty well but can't saw worth a damn.

YouTube is also it's way cheaper. (FD: I work for Google, so click on some preroll ads while you're over there).

One thing I also really appreciate about Paul Sellers is he completely embraces the "there's more than one way to do it, this is what works for me". his other correlary is "Just try it and see if it works". There's a tendency to almost moralize about technique, but he is very upfront about advocating one technique that works, not the "exclusively right"way to do it.

Case in point if you watch his rebate plane video, he literally made it out of a pine 2x4. I myself have obsessed over the "perfect" wood for my first smoother to the point I've not actually built one. He made his out of a 2x4. And it's probably a better FUNCTIONAL tool than anything I'll ever make.