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Thread: Paul Sellers screwed up...a big PR blunder damaging his hardearned reputation

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Feb 2017
    Ramona, CA by way of Phliadelphia
    Simon, the horse is dead, stop beating it!


  2. #32
    Quote Originally Posted by Rick Malakoff View Post
    Simon, the horse is dead, stop beating it!

    You sure that is a dead horse, Rick?

    Perhaps Team Paul is (wishfully) thinking EXACTLY like you.

    Last edited by Simon MacGowen; 11-25-2017 at 9:24 AM.

  3. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by Simon MacGowen View Post
    You sure, Rick?

    Perhaps Team Paul is (wishfully) thinking EXACTLY like you.

    Let it go Simon, it’s Paul’s bat and ball, he makes the rules. If you honestly think this giveaway was just some sort of feel good jesture on his part you don’t truly understand how the internet works. Nothing is free on the internet...

  4. #34
    Quote Originally Posted by John Lanciani View Post
    Let it go Simon, it’s Paul’s bat and ball, he makes the rules. If you honestly think this giveaway was just some sort of feel good jesture on his part you don’t truly understand how the internet works. Nothing is free on the internet...

    Respectfully, please stop preaching that we are all helpless just because someone has set the rules. Speaking your mind is never a dead horse, neither is conviction.

    Nothing in an Off-topic thread is a dead horse, just to be clear.


  5. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by Simon MacGowen View Post
    Respectfully, please stop preaching that we are all helpless just because someone has set the rules. Speaking your mind is never a dead horse, neither is conviction.

    Nothing in an Off-topic thread is a dead horse, just to be clear.

    Nobody said you were helpless Simon, but the answer is to vote with your feet. If more people leave than sign up it is a marketing failure, if more people sign up than leave it is a success. Nobody is forcing you or anyone else to visit Paul’s site and sign up for anything. Trying to use the bully pulpit to force change is rarely successful.

  6. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by Simon MacGowen View Post
    I am no more and no less different from many of those who voiced their opinions on the subject in Paul Sellers&#39; Youtube channel or blog. Some of us feel strongly that when a trusted public figure like Sellers asked people to give up some of their rights in exchange for a chance to win something, that is fundamentally wrong. Some here or on his channel think otherwise. That is fine as we are different. Perhaps, that is why you don&#39;t know the why, because you think as long as one doesn&#39;t play the game, there is no harm. Some of us also speak up because we are disappointed that this goodwilled giveaway has turned out to be a tarnisher of Sellers&#39; hardearned reputation. Did you see that blog post (now removed) by a long time supporter of Paul, Roy, who decided not only to unsubscirbe from his youtube but also cease renewing his masterclass subscription? I don&#39;t expect you and some to understand why he would react so strongly. Simon</p>
    I think you have identified the reasons behind the differences of opinion. You use the term, “...trusted public figure like Sellers...” when referring to a YouTube channel personality. Some of us don’t have as lofty of a view to anyone who has a youtube channel. He is just a person on the internet like the rest of us.

    Even “trusted public figures” have been known to do or hawk stupid things. Think of George Foreman hawking his grill. Sellers is just a schmo on the internet with a youtube channel as am I. Witness many celebraties demonstrating their ignorance with various opinions on polititcs, science or vaccines. Your affection for Paul is clear and while I do not share it, I know some feel about him as you do. But he is trying to make money through the internet. If in capitalist theory, he made a mistake in his appoach, the market will punish him for it as we are witnessing.

    As a consumer, it is often useful to remain dispassionate to recognize the more prurient methods employed to curry money, good reviews, or attention. What you lament is nothing new on the internet. Where is the passion around others (indiviuals or firms) employing similar strategies others protest?

    IMO, the best way of expressing your displeasure is to unsubscribe and vote with your feet. You attempted to rouse further support, but not everyone shares your passion over the issue or Sellers. Good luck and be well.

    "no trees were harmed in the creation of this message, however some electrons were temporarily inconvenienced."

    "I resent having to use my brain to do your thinking"

  7. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shawn Pixley View Post
    ... Sellers is just a schmo on the internet with a youtube channel as am I....
    Well, Paul Sellers was hired by the White House to build TWO pieces, not for an event, but to reside there permanently.

    For me, that places him a notch or two above the rest of us schmos.

  8. #38
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    So...what is wrong with George Foreman selling his grill.

    You call it hawking a grill. I think that selling 100 million is extremely successful business. I wish I had his share of those profits.

  9. #39
    Join Date
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    There are times when a thread needs to be retired. This getting very close.
    Thanks & Happy Wood Chips,
    Dennis -
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  10. #40
    Quote Originally Posted by Dennis Peacock View Post
    There are times when a thread needs to be retired. This getting very close.
    I think there must be a way you can block an individual thread from your view if you find it bothersome. Kind of like voting with your feet.

  11. #41
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    Edwin- he's a moderator. As long as everyone continues to be polite it seems unnecessary, but not for us to decide.

  12. #42
    Quote Originally Posted by Dennis Peacock View Post
    There are times when a thread needs to be retired. This getting very close.
    With due respect, why would you think so?

    There were many many thread discussions in Sawcreek Forum that were more "heated" and protracted than this -- which I assume you are aware of as a moderator, and they did not get retired. They died of natural cause! This discussion is only days young.

    I know moderators have their rights and responsibilities and can kill any thread as they see fit. But your warning, if it is a reflection of your judgment, is -- to say the least -- a surprise to me.


  13. #43
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    Generally a friendly warning is provided when the conversation begins to become a bit unfriendly or moves in a direction that would cause someone legal problems.

  14. #44
    Quote Originally Posted by Keith Outten View Post
    Generally a friendly warning is provided when the conversation begins to become a bit unfriendly or moves in a direction that would cause someone legal problems.
    Your clarification is appreciated, Keith.

    It has never been my intention or, I believe, the intention of anyone who participates in this thread to cause anyone including, of course, the owner or its representatives of the Forum, any legal troubles.

    It is not clear if you are referring to any possible legal action coming from outside the Sawcreek or not, but in the interest of this Forum and its members, I will refrain from expressing my further opinions on this matter and will instead do so, if any, directly on Paul Sellers' blog/Youtube platform. As I said, he/is team has removed comments critical of him/his handling of the giveaway, but I have nothing to lose if he bans me from telling him the truth.

    Thank you everyone for making their intelligent and reasoned inputs in this thread.

    Last edited by Simon MacGowen; 11-25-2017 at 4:37 PM.

  15. #45
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Rick Malakoff View Post
    Simon, the horse is dead, stop beating it!

    I agree with this, particularly since Sellars has apologized. Let's move on

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