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Thread: Grizzly G0632 vs G0698

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Burlington, NC

    Grizzly G0632 vs G0698

    As I research for my next lathe, I keep coming back to Grizzly. I went to a showroom today that had a Jet 1642 for $1800 and it seems to be the same as Grizzly G0632 which is about $300 less. But then there is the G0698 that has more capacity, more power, more weight and cost $1300.

    The G0698 just seems to be the best deal in the price range that I can justify, since my current Jet mini is OK for my current needs. I'm just looking to go to a mid range machine for now. The ability to slide the head on the bed is a real plus for the layout of my shop.

    I've read all the threads here that mention the G0698 and although some seem to have a few concerns, I haven't seen anything that is a deal breaker.

    Thanks for your thoughts.


  2. #2
    As far as reading the specs and comparing prices, the Grizzly G0698 is the best deal by far. I have used the Jet 1642 but have not touched the Grizzly, so can only offer thoughts. Grizzly tools are mostly good values and they are known for good customer service. If I was looking for a mid range lathe the Grizzly G0698 would probably be at the top of the list. If resale value is a concern the Jet is a big winner.

  3. The G0698 is a winner for sure

    I have the Grizzly G0698 and it has probably been my postings on another forum that have been noticed. I have no stake in any machine for any reason other than my own purchase that I made after looking over most everything on the market.

    I have friends with oneway and Powermatics, and for the price the features on the G0698 18x47 match up well with them. So far, the experience I have is good. My concerns over the "hunt" at below 100 rpm was unjustified, as I have learned it is the programming specs that they put on the inverter to keep the motor from overheating when run at long periods at low rpm.

    My unit has done everything flawlessly, and has power and torque to do large turnings. I turned on the PM3520b and some other machines, and in comparison, the G0698 has been great. It does not have a hand wheel, but it isn't really necessary, but for some it is a deal breaker. Tom, at JT Turning tools is now carrying a vacuum adapter for this unit, and vacuum is not a problem to get set up.

    If you have further questions, send me a private message, and I'll be glad to discuss my own experience and observations.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Burlington, NC
    Thanks for the input. My shop just keeps filling up with Grizzly green.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Richmond, VA
    Perry, I just went through that decision myself. I chose the 1642 for the following reasons:

    Jet is Made in Taiwan, including a Delta inverter. The Grizzlys are made in China, along with all their components. That is a big issue for me and with the Jet on sale I was within a couple hundred on price; a difference I was willing to pay.

    Jet has a 5-yr warranty, Grizz is 1 yr. With electronics and a motor, I felt that was a big selling point, especially since Grizz owners have reported varying performance with their EVS/motors.

    The "hunting" issue and the fact that it varied considerably among owners and was not adequately addressed by Grizz (in my opinion) didn't sit well with me. It may be minor, but it is still something that bothers me (and maybe indicative of some quality issues?)

    The 1642 is a few inches shorter, which was a plus for me. I actually would prefer the even shorter bed of the 3520 but wasn't ready to spend that money.

    The 18" swing of the Grizz was tempting, but how often will I need to exceed 16"? And I can do so on the Jet, it just isn't as simple. I decided it was a tradeoff I was willing to make.

    The handwheel is nice to have, and now that I have one, I would be annoyed to not have one. I think the Grizz can be retrofitted, but a minor consideration.

    Some have reported issues with the machining and finish of the Grizz lathes (and their clones). Again, it points to inconsistent quality control.

    So in the end I chose to go with a proven performer over something that had a lot of appeal, but also came with some baggage.


  6. Jet has its problems

    Quote Originally Posted by Jake Helmboldt View Post
    Perry, I just went through that decision myself. I chose the 1642 for the following reasons:

    Jet is Made in Taiwan, including a Delta inverter. The Grizzlys are made in China, along with all their components. That is a big issue for me and with the Jet on sale I was within a couple hundred on price; a difference I was willing to pay.

    Jet has a 5-yr warranty, Grizz is 1 yr. With electronics and a motor, I felt that was a big selling point, especially since Grizz owners have reported varying performance with their EVS/motors.

    The "hunting" issue and the fact that it varied considerably among owners and was not adequately addressed by Grizz (in my opinion) didn't sit well with me. It may be minor, but it is still something that bothers me (and maybe indicative of some quality issues?)

    The 1642 is a few inches shorter, which was a plus for me. I actually would prefer the even shorter bed of the 3520 but wasn't ready to spend that money.

    The 18" swing of the Grizz was tempting, but how often will I need to exceed 16"? And I can do so on the Jet, it just isn't as simple. I decided it was a tradeoff I was willing to make.

    The handwheel is nice to have, and now that I have one, I would be annoyed to not have one. I think the Grizz can be retrofitted, but a minor consideration.

    Some have reported issues with the machining and finish of the Grizz lathes (and their clones). Again, it points to inconsistent quality control.

    So in the end I chose to go with a proven performer over something that had a lot of appeal, but also came with some baggage.

    I think that a reading of the reports on this and other forums will show that the Jet 16/42 has had a number of motor issues, which from all postings Jet is trying to address by sending new motors to replace the ones with the [knocking] problems, and they are honoring their warranty when reported problems are made known. One thread here on SMC a while back spoke of alignment issues with the centers on the Jet as well, and some owners spoke of the necessity of getting the bed ways level to make them align correctly. The longer ways on the G0698 probably would torque if not level and that could account for some who have had alignment issues with the Laguna version of the 18x47.

    My only point is that any make can have a problem, and that was a big consideration as to customer service for me. My old lathe broke a gear shaft, and no replacements available on this planet, so I wanted to make sure I could get service down the road if needed, and Grizzly has an excellent customer service reputation.
    I almost purchased the Jet16/42 in Dec. 2009, and believe it is a good machine, and have friends who are in our local club who have this lathe. The Grizzly G0698 has the same features, just it is somewhat new to the market, and does not have as long a track record for comparison and that makes some a bit skiddish.

    They got my unit right. The performance is there and the centers are dead on in alignment, and the features are about identical to the Jet and PM except the handwheel, and the cage, which I understand most turners take it off anyway.

    Each person will have to decide where they will put their trust, and make a personal decision. I am VERY happy with my G0698, and for the money, there is probably not a better value or featured lathe on the market.

    Having said that, only time and using the machine will validate the quality in the long term, but I have had a bandsaw made in Taiwan that burnt out a motor, and has had to have a major tune up with alignment of the wheels to make them co-planar, so I cannot say that all Taiwanese machines are necessarily better than what is made in a quality factory in China.
    I think Perry would do well with the Jet, but I also believe he would do just as well with the Grizzly G0698, and he will have to decide what the value is to him personally. I wish him all the best in his choice.
    Last edited by Roger Chandler; 05-06-2010 at 11:22 PM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Richmond, VA
    Quote Originally Posted by Roger Chandler View Post
    I think that a reading of the reports on this and other forums will show that the Jet 16/42 has had a number of motor issues, which from all postings Jet is trying to address by sending new motors to replace the ones with the [knocking] problems, and they are honoring their warranty when reported problems are made known. One thread here on SMC a while back spoke of alignment issues with the centers on the Jet as well, and some owners spoke of the necessity of getting the bed ways level to make them align correctly. The longer ways on the G0698 probably would torque if not level and that could account for some who have had alignment issues with the Laguna version of the 18x47.

    My only point is that any make can have a problem, and that was a big consideration as to customer service for me. My old lathe broke a gear shaft, and no replacements available on this planet, so I wanted to make sure I could get service down the road if needed, and Grizzly has an excellent customer service reputation.
    I almost purchased the Jet16/42 in Dec. 2009, and believe it is a good machine, and have friends who are in our local club who have this lathe. The Grizzly G0698 has the same features, just it is somewhat new to the market, and does not have as long a track record for comparison and that makes some a bit skiddish.

    They got my unit right. The performance is there and the centers are dead on in alignment, and the features are about identical to the Jet and PM except the handwheel, and the cage, which I understand most turners take it off anyway.

    Each person will have to decide where they will put their trust, and make a personal decision. I am VERY happy with my G0698, and for the money, there is probably not a better value or featured lathe on the market.

    Having said that, only time and using the machine will validate the quality in the long term, but I have had a bandsaw made in Taiwan that burnt out a motor, and has had to have a major tune up with alignment of the wheels to make them co-planar, so I cannot say that all Taiwanese machines are necessarily better than what is made in a quality factory in China.
    I think Perry would do well with the Jet, but I also believe he would do just as well with the Grizzly G0698, and he will have to decide what the value is to him personally. I wish him all the best in his choice.
    Roger, the Chinese issues are more geo-political than quality (for me), though I have had several Chinese electronics go bad recently and with several Chinese colleauges at my last job I'm not comfortable with they way they do business there.

    And yes, any machine can have problems, which is why the 5-yr warranty was a big selling point for me.

  8. China vs. American

    Quote Originally Posted by Jake Helmboldt View Post
    Roger, the Chinese issues are more geo-political than quality (for me), though I have had several Chinese electronics go bad recently and with several Chinese colleauges at my last job I'm not comfortable with they way they do business there.

    And yes, any machine can have problems, which is why the 5-yr warranty was a big selling point for me.

    I can't argue with the geo-political issues, as they are a factor to be taken seriously. If only I would have had the cash for an American made machine, the China produced units would have been summarily dismissed up front, because I like to support American workers and companies, but alas the wallet was a little too thin to make that leap, and I still needed a lathe because my other one broke.

    I like the 5 yr. warranty of the Jet, but having turned on the PM3520b, and also seeing the performance on the Grizzly G0698 I could not tell any difference in the machines performance, except the way the inverter is programmed, but I believe it is reliable.

    That being said, a big consideration for me was Grizzly's reputation for customer service, which to date has been first rate with me. I put my trust in them as far as being able to secure parts and service in the future if it was needed down the road, so I am hopeful in that regard.

    Jet has been replacing the bad motors that have been reported by those who purchased the 16/42 evs, and it is to their credit, so those who put their trust in that unit should also have a good customer service experience.

    I enjoy the perspectives of the different posters on this and other forums. Thanks for sharing yours.


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