I was curious if anyone else has or has used a Trim Tramp or Trim Champ saw table. I think they were originally manufactured and sold in Canada.

I purchased two of them off of Ebay about 3-4 years ago. Evidently the guy selling them had come across a truckload deal after the manufacturer had gone out of business. I have one set up with an 8 1/4" circular saw for making angle cuts on material that is too wide for my miter saw and the other has a 3 1/4 hp plunge router mounted to it which is dedicated to cross-dados.

Does anyone have any other information on these tables. I would be curious to see if you have found any other special purpose uses for it as I have.
Also if anyone might know if there would be anywhere that might stock parts for them. I have done several searches on the internet and haven't come up with anything.