So I had turned my first hollow form the other day out of carob with the end grain running parrellel to the ways. It was about a 1/4 inch thick through out. I left the tenon on and threw it in a paper bag for a couple of days then left it out in the open air to finish drying after that.

I checked yesterday and where the tenon meets the bottom of the piece I got some major cracking.

I know that where the different thicknesses meet is where cracks are most likely to form so my question is this. Are you all leaving tenons on when drying? Did I just not leave it in the bag long enough? I have only seen one video on hollow of form so I have very little info. I like to sand on the lathe when ever possible which is why I left the tenon on. Plus I have worked with Carob a couple of times and it seems to be a fairly stable wood as far as cracks and warping.

Please school me in your hollow form drying methods.