Hey all,
Just wanted to pass on a quick review of a portable heater I bought recently at the borg. I know it's not the ideal situation for a shop & that there are some safety concerns I need to worry about, but I had to do something.

My "shop" is an uninsulated block 2 car garage with 2 uninsulated garage doors & 2 double pane windows & a concrete flat roof. Last winter I think I worked in the shop 3 times cause it was unbareably cold -I had a small kerosene heater & a large portable electric heater I kept about a foot away from me & it was still too cold to work.

I was at HD about a month ago & they were having a sale on several different portable heaters. I bought a propane convection heater that goes from 40,000 - 80,000 BTU/ Hr. It was only $99 so I bought it.

Last night I was out in the shop for the first time, since I bought it, & it was fairly cold & windy. I turned the heater on, kept it on low & cracked one of the windows open about 3". When I was working on the lathe, which is close to the heater, I was actually getting too warm. Even when I moved away & was working on the TS, right near the door, It was still plenty comfortable. I didn't detect too much odor & I figure if I keep the window cracked open I should be fine with carbon monoxide.

This is an open flame heater - but I don't have too much in the way of finishing solvents in the shop. Does anyone think this is more dangerous than I'm thinking it is. I really love the idea of being able to work in a warm shop. Am I missing anything in the way of safety hazards? The heater will only be on when I'm in the shop - I even turned it off when I had to run into the house for a minute last night. I also have a small fire extingusher out there - just in case.

any way this might be a good short term fix for anyone in the same situation I am.

here's a link to the heater:
<a href="http://www.reddyheat.com/reddy/products/rcp80v.html" target="_blank">Heater Link</a>