Hi Everyone,
Hope you all are well. This is my first forum and naturly my first post.
Never ever marrry a carpenter's daughter! Only kidding.
I could use help on the best indestructible finish for the bar top. It has to go over Oak wood. I have experimented with small peaces of wood with Polyurethan, Polyester Resin, Acrylic Polymer and Epoxy Resin.
The Polyurethan- gets too many nicks and scratches.
The Polyester Resin- Scratches
Acrylic Polymer- I use it at my real job for hair products (water will wear it away.
The Epoxy Resin- Might be the best one but it seems to be ok with scratches and it is hard but I think it can dent and then smooths out over time. What I wanted to emulate was the hardness and the toughness of quartz countertops where one can put hot pots on it and cut on it.
If anyone ideas