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Thread: Do you have a workshop just so you can smoke?

  1. Quote Originally Posted by Belinda Williamson View Post
    Sort of the flip side . . . My SO frequently goes in "to work" at our shop on the weekends. Friends ask where he is, and I say, "Oh, he's working at the shop." Frequently they become concerned that he is "working too much" and needs to take some time off. I just laugh because I know he goes to the shop to get away from me. We all need our time and space. He doesn't smoke but he creates lots of dust, some even from wood. The truth? I love it when he goes to the shop since that gives me my time and space.

    Not preaching, just one thought on couple of the posts. Yes, we're all going to die, and there are lots of ways to go. My poison of choice happens to be alcohol usually in moderation, but sometimes not. There are some forms of death that do affect the loved ones in your life and are very difficult for them to watch, one is a slow death by cancer - in any form.

    To each his own, different strokes for different folks. Don't worry, be happy.
    Belinda, of course you are right, but it was no picnic to watch my father die from alcoholism, either. Currently I do not drink or smoke but that is just me. I have done alot of stupid things in my lifetime so all I can say is whatever it takes for one to cope in this crazy world, who am I to judge?
    Merry Christmas to all. Clifford.

  2. #77
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Conway, Arkansas
    Nope...don't smoke and don't chew any more either. Been about 1 year since I quit the dip. I like it better without the tobacco. But I did used to go in my shop just to piddle and dip some snuff.
    Thanks & Happy Wood Chips,
    Dennis -
    Get the Benefits of Being an SMC Contributor..!
    ....DEBT is nothing more than yesterday's spending taken from tomorrow's income.

  3. #78
    I love this "logic". We are all going to die of something so why not a completely self induced, horribly painful and incredibly uncomfortable death, caused by a lifetime of indulgence in something that offers no redeeming qualities whatsoever. And the really cool part is that it's not just the lung cancer you have to look forward to but cancer of the mouth, throat, stomach, bladder, colon, esophagus or larynx all of which can kill you but many of which may simply offer you the opportunity to do really cool stuff like talk through a little box or breathe through a hole in your throat while you look forward to many more pleasant years before you finally "die of something". Oh and don't forget the added benefits of emphysema, bronchitis, heart attacks, strokes, impotence and the many other wonderful pleasures one can look forward to.

    Of course you could always get hit by a bus two weeks after going through the hell of quitting smoking and then your last thought could be "Damn, I should have just kept smoking!". But, unless you stepped in front of the bus on purpose, you really don't have much control over that.

    Sorry, but this is a poor argument for smoking.
    David DeCristoforo

  4. #79
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Saugus, Kelpafornia

    Sharp tools cut without smoke...

    Might want to check that edge.

  5. Quote Originally Posted by David DeCristoforo View Post
    I love this "logic". We are all going to die of something so why not a completely self induced, horribly painful and incredibly uncomfortable death, caused by a lifetime of indulgence in something that offers no redeeming qualities whatsoever. And the really cool part is that it's not just the lung cancer you have to look forward to but cancer of the mouth, throat, stomach, bladder, colon, esophagus or larynx all of which can kill you but many of which may simply offer you the opportunity to do really cool stuff like talk through a little box or breathe through a hole in your throat while you look forward to many more pleasant years before you finally "die of something". Oh and don't forget the added benefits of emphysema, bronchitis, heart attacks, strokes, impotence and the many other wonderful pleasures one can look forward to.

    Of course you could always get hit by a bus two weeks after going through the hell of quitting smoking and then your last thought could be "Damn, I should have just kept smoking!". But, unless you stepped in front of the bus on purpose, you really don't have much control over that.

    Sorry, but this is a poor argument for smoking.

    Why stop with the smokers? What about a lifetime of eating indulgence? Obesity is suspected to cause 9 diseases including Cardiovascular, Endocrime,Gastrointestinal,Renal and Genitourinary, Integument, Musculoskeletal,Neurologic,Respiratory, and Psychological.
    Sorry for the outburst. Don't know why I feel compelled to somewhat stick up a bit for the smokers. I heard it was the only bad habit that was still politically correct to browbeat. I was always for the underdog. I guess. Clifford

  6. #81
    Quote Originally Posted by Clifford Mescher View Post
    Why stop with the smokers? What about a lifetime of eating indulgence? Obesity is suspected to cause 9 diseases including Cardiovascular, Endocrime,Gastrointestinal,Renal and Genitourinary, Integument, Musculoskeletal,Neurologic,Respiratory, and Psychological.
    Sorry for the outburst. Don't know why I feel compelled to somewhat stick up a bit for the smokers. I heard it was the only bad habit that was still politically correct to browbeat. I was always for the underdog. I guess. Clifford
    Its simple stuff really, if you like to do a lot of things and have the energy to do them, then you dont smoke and youre not fat.
    Last edited by Jim Becker; 12-17-2008 at 9:24 PM. Reason: Religious commentary prohibited by TOS

  7. #82
    "Why stop with the smokers?"

    No reason other than this thread is about smoking. You could start one titled "Do you have a workshop just so you can overeat?" and bang on that issue all you want. Stick up for smokers too if you want. They certainly have the right to smoke if they wish. Don't get the idea that I am a reformed crusader here because I'm not. I feel like a complete fool for smoking as long as I did and I may yet pay the price for it. I just don't see why anyone would defend smoking at this point when we know what we do other than to defend the right of the individual to do as he pleases as long as he causes no harm to others. That is a worthy cause and I am not, in any way arguing against that principal. But that does not make smoking "smart" or suggest that the smoker should be put on a pedestal as some kind of crusader for individual freedom. I watched my children watch their grandfather die of smoking induced lung cancer many years before he would have died otherwise. But he got to "enjoy" his smokes and it was his right to do so. But that does not make his choice any smarter.
    David DeCristoforo

  8. Quote Originally Posted by Jason White View Post
    I like cigars, but I'm relegated to the workshop (a one-car attached garage) if I want to enjoy a stogie.

    It stinks (haha) because it's usually freezing cold out there, and as any cigar-lover knows cold weather and cigars don't mix well.

    Am I alone here?

    Gee, this started out as a lighthearted thread about enjoying a cigar in your shop. Maybe someone can start a thread about bashing smokers. Opsss too late!!!! Clifford.

  9. #84
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Yeah, I'm regretting posting it.


    Quote Originally Posted by Clifford Mescher View Post
    Gee, this started out as a lighthearted thread about enjoying a cigar in your shop. Maybe someone can start a thread about bashing smokers. Opsss too late!!!! Clifford.

  10. #85
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Jason White View Post
    Yeah, I'm regretting posting it.

    It's sad isn't it.........A guy (or girl) that lives in America today cannot even burn one without being afraid of ticking someone else off. We are so consumed with dying one day that we are afraid to live the days God gave us. Enjoy life, "and if you got em' smoke em' ".............

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