So OK...last month I solved my issues with uploading downsized photos by choosing the http.// protocal version of this site as opposed to the https.// version of the site. They simply will not upload using the https.// version.

Today I was going to upload more photos to a new thread and there is no longer an http.// version of this site even available from what I can tell.

as such I am right back where I was one month ago. I can't upload photos to a post at this site. The photos make it to the manage attachments section. Then when I hit the Insert Online button, they will not move to the post itself.

So now what?

In the last thread I posted on this topic. Somebody was going to have an administrator look at this. It appears that the only result is that the one method I had that worked for uploading photos has been removed as it appears that there is no longer an http.// version of the site that can even be accessed. That was not exactly the result I was looking for and looks more like a denial of privileges.

So if somebody can show me what to do next that would be great.