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Thread: SCAN is PERFECT....CUT is double line

  1. #1

    SCAN is PERFECT....CUT is double line

    "50 watt Chinese laser"..... been fighting double line ghosting on cuts....Perfect alignment, New mirrors and lens....tried multiple lens' I ran a file (RDCAM)...with a scan and cut layer. SAY WHAT???? the scan layer was PERFECT. Fine detail, no ghosting.... Cut layer double. I used to be able to run it in the upper left corner with way less ghosting....but not now, pretty bad...but Scan is perfect.....What the Heck....Any Master Sensei laser Dudes out there have a clue?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    Iowa USA
    Any Master Sensei laser Dudes out there have a clue?

    I don't have a clue what that sentence means, but check your lens is it the proper direction and tight? The right one?
    Retired Guy- Central Iowa.HVAC/R , Cloudray Galvo Fiber , -Windows 10

  3. #3
    A sensei is a "Master" at something..... I've put in multiple lens's...all in the right direction, the right one's, and all tight....But here's the thing. If the lens was the problem I don't see how I would get a perfect clean clear fine detailed raster "scan"... and yet the Vector,(cut) is double...... How would that be a lens thing? ALSO, it has nothing to do with MOVEMENT....if I fire a pulse, I'll get a nice little Happy face. I thought it was an alignment thing, maybe reflecting off the cone or something,but it's dead center...all mirrors are in perfect alignment....and when I finally added in a scan (I had been working nothing but cut (vector) files...and never even considered there would be a difference between that and the Raster.... So I fire a nice little tree scene that then is cut out, the tree scene is Perfect...the cut....has "Ghost" line off to the side.
    Any ideas

  4. #4
    Your machine is Haunted sorry couldn't resist.are you sure its not hitting the inside of the cone, that might not show as ghosting in a raster.
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    Rabbit RL_XX_6040-60 watt Laser engraving/cutting machine Oh wait its a 3D Printer my bad LOL
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    8" bench mount 5 speed Drill Press
    Dremel, 3x21 Belt Sander

  5. #5
    No kidding, Haunted...I actually painted the hole inside the cone with some white paint, figured if it hit it it would burn....NOPE. But the thing is, doing a rastor image, great double image, only when I cut it out...These files were imported JPG, then I put a border around them in the laser graphic program program to cut them out. The jpg. graphics came out Perfect....but the border is double I tried importing an Autocad file, thinking maybe that would work....nope. Seems really strange not to get double image in Raster, but then in Vector I do, this tells me it isn't a mechanical issue....but I'm totally stumped and in the middle of a Big Order... Thanks for's a good one huh?? It for sure would seem like it's has nothing to do with movement, when I hit does a classic dot with little happy face smile line under it....classic splitting of beam I'd think...
    Thanks again for trying....

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Medina Ohio
    If you just draw a box and cut it do you still get a doublecut.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Mirrors, or bad tube. But he said he's had this issue for a while, even before replacing the tube.
    And he's double posted his issue.
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  8. #8
    makke a bran new file a sq box hairline red and cut it see if its still happening
    If the Help and advice you received here was of any VALUE to you PLEASE! Become a Contributor
    Rabbit RL_XX_6040-60 watt Laser engraving/cutting machine Oh wait its a 3D Printer my bad LOL
    Lasercut 5.3
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    8" bench mount 5 speed Drill Press
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  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    Iowa USA
    Everyone here except for the OP knows its optic or tube related. So the logical thing to do is start at the tube use masking tape to check the beam size and shape and move on. Its entirely possible for it to be a mirror the wrong one or one creating a double image. It can be anything but unless you go step by step it will never be found. And I love it when someone says "that can't be it because I have checked it" . Really? Of course the question I always ask. Did it ever work?
    Last edited by Bill George; 03-24-2020 at 9:00 AM.
    Retired Guy- Central Iowa.HVAC/R , Cloudray Galvo Fiber , -Windows 10

  10. #10
    Can you please describe how you aligned your mirrors? In your previous post you classify aligned as hitting dead center of the mirror. This is not the correct way to align a mirror. If done correctly your laser might actually by off center alittle bit and still be aligned.
    Jeff Body
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  11. #11
    Ghosting on Rastering is less likely, the material is subjected to a much lower power density per unit time.

    Vectoring requires the highest power density per unit time, typically demonstrated especially when cuttins.

    There are 3 possible reasons (the remaining two are so unusual it quite simply won't be those)

    1: Your alignment is off (the beam it hitting the cone or one of the mirror mounts.

    2: Your optics are damaged or sub standard

    3: Your tube is producing the worst multimode ,poor TEM I have heard of

    My money is on number 1, the other 2 are also possible.
    You did what !

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    Iowa USA
    Dave its my guess he has found the problem and it was a simple fix, one that he missed before and we will never hear from him again. Or until he has another mysterious problem.
    Retired Guy- Central Iowa.HVAC/R , Cloudray Galvo Fiber , -Windows 10

  13. #13
    thought you said you would not help this guy LOL couldn't help yourself could you Dave LOL
    If the Help and advice you received here was of any VALUE to you PLEASE! Become a Contributor
    Rabbit RL_XX_6040-60 watt Laser engraving/cutting machine Oh wait its a 3D Printer my bad LOL
    Lasercut 5.3
    CorelDraw X5

    10" Miter Saw with slide
    10" Table Saw
    8" bench mount 5 speed Drill Press
    Dremel, 3x21 Belt Sander

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