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Thread: Vaccination Arm

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    In the foothills of the NM Sandia Mountains
    I received my second Pfizer shot last Saturday. Sunday I felt like a zombie with a sore arm. I was at 60% Monday, and back to normal on Tuesday.
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  2. #17
    Join Date
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    My arm was fine the day after the first phizer shot. 12 hours after the second dose I developed a 102 temperature that I was able to knock down to 101 with some tylenol. the temp stayed at 101 for 24 hours before it broke. After that I was fine.

  3. #18
    Received second Pfizer dose a month ago this past Tuesday. On day following second dose, felt fatigued. Other than that all was well. Being a blood donor (10 gallons + ,) needles don't bother me
    Last edited by Bruce Wrenn; 03-25-2021 at 9:12 PM.

  4. #19
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Somewhere in the Land of Lincoln
    My arm was really sore for a couple days. It wasn't from tensing up either. I barely knew when the needle was inserted. Besides I am used to being stuck with needles. I was achy the next day but not bad. I get the 2nd Moderna in a week. I'll keep you posted on how it goes.

  5. #20
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    E TN, near Knoxville
    Quote Originally Posted by Stan Calow View Post
    Every vaccinator I know will tell you that arm soreness from any shot comes from having your arm muscles too tense during the injection. I made sure mine was relaxed and I felt no soreness. Didn't feel the needle at all, actually. Its just human nature to tense up when you see it coming.
    Both my dr and nurse said tensing may cause more pain during an injection so I have the long habit of relaxing and letting my arm hang loose. Nothing was said about tensed muscle causing soreness after the injection. I'll have to ask about that.

    I was told arm soreness from the Covid-19 shot was a normal potential side affect. The CDC says this:
    "In most cases, discomfort from pain or fever is a normal sign that your body is building protection."

    In my case I had arm soreness the evening of the first Pfizer shot.

    For the second shot I had no arm soreness but a headache the morning following and took two Tyenol as per my doctor. (He said to not use ibuprofin.) No fever. My gastro doctor said he had a fever for two days and took nothing.


  6. #21
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    got the Pfizer shot on 2/2/2021, second shot three weeks later neither one hurt and no side effects apparent, both in right arm
    did end up in the emergency room later on 2/2 and my right arm went completely limp on 2/4/2021. However that was due to a nerve block so my right index finger could be cut open and a tendon repaired. Cut the tendon working in the basement shop 1/28/2021 thought I had the bleeding stopped and full range of motion so no need to get it looked at. Shoveled snow for 2 hours+ on 2/2/2021 and my right index finger went straight, could not bend it. I then went and got first shot and was advised to go to emergency room to get my finger looked at. 2/3/2021 saw the hand doc, 2/4/2021 he repaired the tendon Wore a splint from 2/4/2021 to today. Now need to start using it again and getting it to bend.

  7. #22
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    E TN, near Knoxville
    Quote Originally Posted by Ron Selzer View Post
    ... 2/3/2021 saw the hand doc, 2/4/2021 he repaired the tendon Wore a splint from 2/4/2021 to today. Now need to start using it again and getting it to bend.
    Oh my, hope the hand recovers completely, and soon! Hearing of things like this make me thankful once again that we have access to such medical care.


  8. #23
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    Vancouver Canada
    Wife and I got it today, Moderna. Toilet paper arm, but we’ll see.
    ‘Course, if we had one o’them bidets, we wouldn’t have this thread.
    Young enough to remember doing it;
    Old enough to wish I could do it again.

  9. #24
    Join Date
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    Quorn United Kingdom
    I live in the United Kingdom

    I had the AstraZeneca vaccine and had no side effects at all I even barley felt the needle

  10. #25
    Join Date
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    Youngstown, Oh
    Quote Originally Posted by Aaron Rosenthal View Post
    Wife and I got it today, Moderna. Toilet paper arm, but we’ll see.
    ‘Course, if we had one o’them bidets, we wouldn’t have this thread.
    Last year at this time we had a hard time finding toilet paper.

    I had a sore arm after both Pfizer shots but nothing to whine to mom about.

  11. #26
    I'm in UK

    Wife had Pfizer - not too much of side effect, a bit rough
    Me - AstraZeneca - real rough for 24 hours (I had covid at Christmas and ended up in hospital so feeling bad from the Vax was like a walk in the park compared to actual covid)
    Daughter (oldest) - AstraZeneca - Thought she was going to die rough as hell for 24 hours
    Daughter (second oldest) - Rough, high temps, general feeling bad.

    cheers Dave
    You did what !

  12. #27
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Toronto Ontario
    Quote Originally Posted by Brian Deakin View Post
    I live in the United Kingdom

    I had the AstraZeneca vaccine and had no side effects at all I even barley felt the needle
    I live in Canada, same vaccine, same effect. My second injection is scheduled for July 4........Rod.

  13. #28
    Join Date
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    Minneapolis, MN
    I was lucky enough to get randomly selected for the vaccine with an appointment for this Saturday. I am right handed so I will probably chose my left arm. The only bad part is I was planning a trip in late April, but they only offered April 24th for my second shot which was the day I was planning to leave. I postponed the trip by a week.

  14. #29
    Join Date
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    Somewhere in the Land of Lincoln
    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Sheldrake View Post
    I'm in UK

    Wife had Pfizer - not too much of side effect, a bit rough
    Me - AstraZeneca - real rough for 24 hours (I had covid at Christmas and ended up in hospital so feeling bad from the Vax was like a walk in the park compared to actual covid)
    Daughter (oldest) - AstraZeneca - Thought she was going to die rough as hell for 24 hours
    Daughter (second oldest) - Rough, high temps, general feeling bad.

    cheers Dave
    Dave, I too had the Covid and ended up in the hospital with it at the end of November. I agree the shot is minor compared to the real thing. I get the 2nd Moderna in 3 days. We shall see how it goes. No fever but achy the next day with sore arm. Needles don't bother me. In fact I had an IV today for surgery. But also a long time blood/platelet donor. About 22 gallons now.

  15. #30
    Quote Originally Posted by Brian Elfert View Post
    I was lucky enough to get randomly selected for the vaccine with an appointment for this Saturday. I am right handed so I will probably chose my left arm. The only bad part is I was planning a trip in late April, but they only offered April 24th for my second shot which was the day I was planning to leave. I postponed the trip by a week.
    Congratulations on your "luck of the draw". I hope you don't have a strong reaction (I didn't).

    Getting vaccinated will change your outlook - you won't be as anxious.

    Go into the world and do well. But more importantly, go into the world and do good.

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