Quote Originally Posted by Christian Hawkshaw View Post
So you're competing with IKEA now? Looks really nice...post a picuture after you put the Osmo on. I would really love to get a CNC one day.
Seems that way, doesn't it. I got this job after building a stereo album and components cabinet for a local guy. Last year, he contacted me to ask if I would build a similar one for a friend who lives in NYC. That's where the knockdown journey began. Around the New Year, this guy contacted me again to ask if I would build a companion piece just for albums. I'm not sure if this will continue, but I decided it was time to more fully use the CNC to build these things. I've had it about 2 years now and it has changed the way I look at building projects. I have an interesting extension table build coming up that I plan to use the CNC on to tackle some challenging aspects of it.

I put a coat of Osmo on the parts only to find a big scratch on the top that I hadn't seen before. So now I'm going to find out how easy or difficult it is to sand out that scratch, after the Osmo cures enough not to gum up the sandpaper. Does anyone have experience sanding something with Osmo on it? Good thing I use pretty thick veneer.
