Conversation Between Mark Hix and Clint Baxter

2 Visitor Messages

  1. Hi Mark. Looks like you and I were paired on the Pen Exchange. Seeing as how we are supposed to coordinate on the type of pen to exchange, I'd like to know what you'd like to do. I will warn you now that I've a few challenges to overcome in order to get your pen completed. My shop has a bit of a water problem and I had to move my lathe and all my turning stuff out. Do to the rapid nature of the move, all my stuff is here, there and wherever so it may be a bit of a challenge to find it all. I do, however, fully intend to get the project finished by the established date.

    As to an address to send the pen to? I would imagine they would be delivering to the house by then, but not sure if we will be living there though. Use the following,
    Clint Baxter
    PO Box 934
    Minot, ND 58702-0934

    Just let me know what type of pen you're thinking of so I can try to come up with a suitable equivalent.

  2. Howdy!
    We drew each other in the pen swap.
    Please send me your address to send the pen to.
    My address is: 1859 Green Ridge Dr.
    Carrollton, TX 75007
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 2 of 2