Conversation Between Bill Rhodus and george wilson

2 Visitor Messages

  1. Bill,I have only 1 photograph of the elliptical drawing instrument,and I have lost it. Looked everywhere for it. I'll have to get another made,and will post it at some point. Since it was a Colonial Williamsburg made photo,I hope they still have it on record,though sometimes they lose track of the thousands of pictures they must take each month. Thank you for your interest.
  2. Hello George. I was watching an episode of the Woodwright's Shop and saw a tool you had built to draw an ellipse. This tool was shaped like a cross and appeared to work extremly well. I would like to build one of these tools; is there a forum entry detailing the building of this tool that I am unable to find? Have you or are you willing to share this information? Also, as this is the first time I have contacted you, I would like to take the opportunity to tell you that I have been following your posts for some time and view you as an important resource. I'll bet there are a lot of people like myself that search for your entries that you have no knowledge of.
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