Conversation Between Neal Clayton and Derek Stevens

2 Visitor Messages

  1. thanks, everyone tells me i'm crazy of course, but if you enjoy the work why not do it .

    thankfully the house is for the most part structurally sound, just cosmetically ruined, but there are enough original elements left to determine what it was and recreate that.

    funny thing is, the only reason i have any idea what i'm doing is my father was a real estate developer, so i grew up on jobsites, a good number of which involved tearing down such houses.

    i figure year(s) working on this place outta be repentance enough.
  2. power to you. I am an historic preservation contractor, as well as the Chairman for the Deschutes County Historical Landmarks Commission, charged with protecting the 4700 historic assets we have in the 5 jurisdictions we oversee. I am so pleased to hear that you are restoring to such a degree, and if there is any assistance I can lend, feel free to pm me at any point. With over 30 yrs in the trades, I might be helpful..
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