Conversation Between William OConnell and Amy Leigh Baker

2 Visitor Messages

  1. Well Hello Amy
    I just recieved your message regarding those columns.
    The panels hanging from the walls are called Shoji screens wich is japanese room dividers and window treatments. I got into those about 8 years ago and realy enjoy making them. Normally rice paper gets put in the panels wich is a really cool way to filter light. That particular customer loves those and paints water colors on the rice paper panels wich she changes every couple of years. Those panels on that job cover a 13' window so its a long track made for sliding pocket doors. The track cost me aboout 50$ at the time.
    Be Well
  2. William,

    The pictures you posted on the column you made has given me lots of ideas and inspiration on the remodel I am doing. My only question is more of a curiosity. There is a 15 panel wood frame hanging on the wall. What is it? and is it mounted on the track at the ceiling?
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