Conversation Between Rick Fisher and Chris Knudsen

2 Visitor Messages

  1. Hey Rick,
    long time no talk. Thought that I would let you know that we have another open house coming up on March 20th & 21st. There will be a free draw for a General International Contractors saw and some great news:
    as long as our stock arrives in time, we will have our festool stock on display as well. We have also ordered lots of demo tools for people to try out etc. Thought that I'd let you know, hope that all is well with you. Take care,
  2. Hey Rick,
    I just figured that I would send you a quick message about my Grand Opening. We sent out a flyer to you, but I just realized that was sent to Central Builders and that it may not find it's way to you. The Grand Opening will be this Friday & Saturday (Nov. 14th & 15th), we will have a rep here from the Felder factory on both days as well as David from General on Saturday. There is quite a bit mor machinery on the floor to view now as well. If you get a chance to come down, we would love to see you here. Take care Rick, talk to you soon,
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 2 of 2