Conversation Between Mike Hopkins62 and Rod Sheridan

2 Visitor Messages

  1. Mike, sorry, I seem to have missed your message.

    Do you still need answers to this?

    Regards, Rod.
  2. Hi Rod, for your Hammer B3, did you get a 31” table or 48”, and do you see a need for a 48” ripping surface (don’t think I would ever use it).

    Because I think a 31” might go better in my space I am looking at a Winner B3 which they make with either a 78” or 49” carriage.

    I love about 49 minutes from a Hammer showroom so that gives them a big customer service advantage, but will probably consider a Minimax too, especially since they have a smaller rip with a 5.5’ sliding table that once again takes up less space.


    Mike in Berwyn PA
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