Conversation Between John Cooper2 and Richard Amabile

3 Visitor Messages

  1. Richard, All of the walnut is air dried, it has been cut at least 11 years. Shipping will be not cheap. I have sold a bunch that would fit in flat rate boxes, but those are pretty small. I have done some smaller slabs and they where around $20.00

  2. John:

    Thanks for the reply.

    I am sorry for not responding sooner. I am new to the forum and didn't realize that these visitor messages existed. I will be looking for some material that is 18-20 or even 24" inches wide and a 2" heavy thick. Since some of the key parts are for a chair seat, I will be book matching some of it. As of right now I don't have a cut list, so I am not sure exactly what I will need. But, I may want to get back to you with more specifics once I get further into the project. It will probably be at least a month or two before that happens.

    Thanks again for letting me know know you have some lumber that may work for this. I assume this is kiln dried and naturally I would have to check into shipping costs to Texas if we get serious with trying to do something.

    Dick Amabile
  3. Hi,

    what sizes are you looking for? I have a couple thousand bf of California walnut. most is 2 1/2" thick some as wide as 24" and 5' long.
    around $15-$20bf + shipping of course

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 3 of 3