Conversation Between David G Baker and Lloyd Gadbois

3 Visitor Messages

  1. Lloyd,
    I am not a carver, I am more of a jack of all trades that uses his woodworking skills pretty much for home maintenance.
  2. David, Please contact me at I'm a woodcarver and I need some info... Thank you.
  3. I'm a new member of Sawmill Creek and Joined for the sole purpose of contacting woodcarvers whop might be interested in doing signage. I had intended to do that back in '99 but had to abandon the idea. Now I have a Lervad Woodcarver's Bench that I bought back then and it is for sale. I have had no luck posting it in the Sawmill Creek classifieds so am fishing for someone who might be interested in doing signage and needs a leg up for equipment. I'm open for ideas and I picked you to be a contact in Michigan... I want to hear from you at and would appreciate knowing if there are any sign carvers in your area... L.Gadbois
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