Conversation Between Bernie Weishapl and Hilel Salomon

3 Visitor Messages

  1. Bernie,

    I'm headed up to Va over the weekend and my have difficulty in getting on the internet, so way, way, way in advance, I wish you a great, safe and joyous holiday season.
  2. Bernie, I hate to trouble you again. I've been trying to look through past posts, your past posts etc., but can't seem to find the one where you cited a source for larger purchases of CA glue. When you get a moment, could you tell me. Thanks, Hilel.
  3. Bernie,
    Finally got back to Columbia. I certainly enjoyed meeting you in person although it was all too brief. I didn't get to do much turning-my daughter came from France with two of her sons, and I was up to my ears in entertaining. When they left, I wound up helping my kids out w/some yard work. Anyway, I hope to do something here. Also, my internet connection went back to snail's pace. Hope you are well. Regards, Hilel.
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