Conversation Between Acharya Kumarswami and Robert Culver

2 Visitor Messages

  1. Acharya I didnt post any steps persay just progess looking for advice on how to inprove its overall features I can email you the pics if you want or I would be happy to share what I have learned and what I would do differtent next time you can reach me at
  2. Hi, Robert
    That's a lovely handle you made the the no. 7 panel saw. I have restored a lot of saws myself but have not made any handles from scratch. Can you point me to your thread where you posted the steps you went through? I think you hit on a great key in making the grip a little beefier than on the original no. 7 handles. I have found that occasionally we run into variant handles on D8 saws that have that kind of thickness, which I find more comfortable.
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