Conversation Between Tom Gooch and Michael Kowalczyk

3 Visitor Messages

  1. I am here now. I got the email but thought it was just an update not a request. Do you want a box of 3mm? I do not have any 6mm yet but am working on it.
  2. Hi Michael---
    Sent you an email looking for some 3mm (and 6mm if you have any) today. are you there online?
  3. Hi Tom , One box of 3mm B/BB Baltic Birch plywood is only $45.00 plus shipping for 25 sheets approx 11.75" x 23.75". Please let me know how many boxes you want, what your ship to address is, is it a residential or commercial address, if you want vertical, horizontal grain or does not matter and what email address you use for Paypal and a daytime phone number. These are in stock and ready to ship.
    Thank you,
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 3 of 3