Conversation Between Nancy Laird and Richard Blodgett

2 Visitor Messages

  1. Richard, I'd be more than happy to work with you on your projects. I really hope that nothing has to be done before Christmas, though, because we're gone for 9 days, starting Saturday, and we're pretty booked up through the end of the year. E-mail me at and we can discuss directly.

  2. Hello Nancy, My name is Richard. I have seen the demo about the Epilog system but cannot afford one at this time. Would you be interested in doing some wood work for me? The wood I would be sending you would varie from Hardwoods to Exotics. The lengths would be 18" length, 3 to 5" in width & upto 1" in thickness.
    The engravings would varie from intricate to standard. Please get back with me when you can. Thank you. Richard.
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