Conversation Between Bob Davis and Don McDouall

1 Visitor Messages

  1. Hi Bob I see you are in Perth, just wondering if you can help me? I am in Armadale.
    A while back I can into possession of a Domiteux 300 engraver, with the cipher system.
    The machine is all there, including the the cipher key.
    This machine dates back into the 1990`s.
    I myself know nothing about mechanical engravers, I got it for my daughter to learn how to engrave etc.
    It did come with what I think was the software on a CD. Sadly this was corrupt as we could not open it... tried it on numerous computers going back to windows 98.
    Would you know where I might be able to locate this software.. In the cipher manual it is called 1x bundled cipher software.The manual itself was printed after 1993.
    thanking you regards Don McDouall
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