Conversation Between Dan Gill and Maureen Gilliland

1 Visitor Messages

  1. Dan,

    Maureen Gilliland here. Hope all is well with you - I'm in Tulsa now, telecommuting for a job in Ft. Worth.

    I'm wondering if you know of someone (you, or someone as good as you) who might be interested in a technical writing contract position (indefinite time frame) in Ft. Worth (Saxon Mortgage at I35 and Meacham). We have two contractors, one of whom is pregnant and due in February. I don't know what her plans are to return, or what the company's plans are to potentially replace her. However, I would like to slip a name in before they do anything - the last two they hired, they didn't even interview first, and didn't think a writing sample was important. We're all right anyway, but it gives me pause, and I'd rather set something up in advance before they do that again. We're about to migrate everything to AllRegs - big mess up ahead - and I would like someone on the team who can handle it.

    Let me know if you can think of anyone.

    Thanks, and MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!
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