Conversation Between Ron Milbach and Greg Bender

2 Visitor Messages

  1. Ron,
    I just read a PM from somebody who recently bought the same setup and kind of set me straight on my price.I have to say your offer is tempting but I would like to try getting at least $600 for it.If you don't mind I would like to try C/L locally and if no response I will get back to you on the your offer.I have alot more tied up in it and would at least like to try a few other venues to sell it.PM me if your offer has a time limit attached.As far as shipping goes,I'll weigh it tonite and try to get a rough estimate for you.Thanx,
  2. Greg,

    I saw your post on Woodnet and I think so many people just don't have the income they once did or they are afraid of being lay off.

    If you can't get your sprayer sold for what you are asking and I hope you can I would be willing to pay $500.00 plus I would pay shipping if it is not to bad to Sikeston, Missouri 63801.

    Ron Milbach
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