Conversation Between Mark Conde and William Richardson

3 Visitor Messages

  1. Thanks for the info on engraving guns. The ones that I have done so far, I am pleased with the results.
  2. Just be careful with doing firearms technically if you keep a firearm overnight and perform any service to it, it is considered gunsmithing and you must have an FFL to do that. Merely engraving the firearm itself is considered gunsmithing. Here is the go around, if they wait for it and you don't keep it over night then your good. ATF is crazy sometimes. I have done a few AR-15 and Glocks as well and they turn out good. Hopefully I shared something useful.. Thanks for the contact on the wood.
  3. Mark
    I have done numerous Magpul and Glock magazines and they engrave really good. You shouldn't have any problems.
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