Conversation Between Jeff Farris and Callan Campbell

1 Visitor Messages

  1. Mr. Farris, I meant no disrepect about your customer or you, who thought they had quite alot of money invested in sharpening equipment and supplies. I was making a joke about keeping it a secret that much money had been spent, away from a spouse, on woodworking. I'm sorry if anyone was offended, that was not my intent. What I meant to add to the post was the idea in my mind of a cartoon, with two men standing over a humble metal smoothing plane on a workbench, surrounded by lots of sharpening equipment, and one of them saying, " I dunno, I've spent thousands on sharpening supplies and I still can't get it to sing for me". Again, if any offense was taken, I'm sorry, my poor excuse for humor. When I tried to return to my post to edit it, realizing I'd left things a bit wrong, I couldn't get back to it.
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