The Sound of Silence

  1. Roger Chandler
    Roger Chandler
    I check in here about once a week or so, just to see if anyone posts new pics or comments. Its been since February since the last post, so I thought I’d at least say hello, and see how GGMG members are doing. Personally, due to my health circumstances I have not been able to get to do any turning in nearly two years, but I’m looking forward to getting back at the lathe as soon as I can. I’ll have to knock off some rust on my skills and muscle memory, but I think getting reaquainted with my G0800 and my G0766 will not take too long.

    I’d sure like to see more members post their work here.
  2. Sam Fleisher
    Sam Fleisher
    I do lots of work. Just never figured out this forum and posting pictures.
  3. Roger Chandler
    Roger Chandler
    Sam, its a fairly simple process [posting pics]. Click on the frame icon [2nd from the last one on the right]. A new window will pop up, and two choices “from computer”. Or “from URL.” Click “from computer” and pick a file from your photo collection of the turning you want to post, and then “Save”. Simple. If you want to get some good editing software for free, I recommend “FastStone Image viewer”. Play with it and you’ll be a pro in no time.
  4. Sam Fleisher
    Sam Fleisher
    Well, it would be simple if I had two choices but all it gives me is a box to put the url. and it tells me what file types are acceptable.
    This is what it says in the insert image window. and the place to put the url. Nothing else other than an ok or a cancel on the bottom.

    "Add an Image from Url
    Allowed Filetypes: jpg, jpeg, png, gif"

    Maybe it doesn't like my chrome computer.

    I have no problem on other sites, sort of computer literate.
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