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Thread: what invades my shop at night?

  1. #46
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Stanwood, WA
    Quote Originally Posted by glenn bradley View Post
    I've got it! Dewey has trained his mice to visit you.
    Darn it...Glen found me out! Yes..once the hit the sticky traps they loose their feet so they only leave tail tracks

    "Everything is better with Inlay or Marquetry!"

  2. #47
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Seattle area , Duvall
    Maybe Rabbits, also referred to as Dust Bunnie tracks?

    I truly like the idea of Fairies flying low and dragging there feet over our work areas!

  3. #48

    Lay down some boundaries

    Place a square or circle of masking tape, or putty or cooked spaghetti on the floor before you go to bed. Or one of each.

    See if "they" go around it or over it, come morningtime.

    Also leave some cookies and milk just in case there are Reindeer and a fat guy involved.

    failing the above - it is static from sweeping.


  4. #49
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Spokane, Washington
    I think it's a picture of the Virgin Mary.

    Eternity is an awfully long time, especially toward the end.

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  5. #50
    I get these little critters running around my shop at night. They might leave a trail like that.

  6. #51
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Macon, GA
    Quote Originally Posted by Peter Scoma View Post
    Snakes. The floor of my old shop used to look like that every so often shortly before finding a garden snake hiding in the corner which I quickly decapitated with a garden shovel

    You are boosting and proud of chopping off the head of a non-venomous snake that feeds mostly on worms, slugs, insects, frogs, fish, and lizards?

    As far as the cracks...can't help you there.

  7. #52
    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Forman View Post
    I think it's a picture of the Virgin Mary.

    I can see it now and she is crying......... right?

  8. #53
    Quote Originally Posted by Cliff Rohrabacher View Post

    They can invade a human couple in bed in the night and the toxic venom is anesthetic so you don't wake up till they are near done eating you.

    Whatever you do, don't leave a trail of centipede crumbs from the shop to the bedroomAttachment 116925

    Is that a pet?

  9. I doubt it is slugs, but it could be a bug such as beetles. Could be geckos or some sort of lizard.

  10. #55
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Victoria, British Columbia
    I had a skunk. I was replacing my garage, errr shop, doors last year and they were tarped for a night. I went in to get something that night and noticed something out of the corner of my eye under my workbench. I went in for a closer look and found myself staring eye with Mr. Skunk. Yikes! I boogied it out of there and so did he. I went in and he went out. I trapped him a few days later and relocated him to a park across a river.

    "What do you mean my birth certificate's expired?!"

  11. #56
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Summit, NJ
    People are right it is not safe in there you must pack up all your tools in plastic to protect them and keep the buggers in, then send them to me for inspection. At that point they may be considered a biohazard and have to be in a sterile environment like my shop for several years till they are deemed safe to return.

    Just kiddn, I like the glue trap idea. Also do any of the tracks start and stop in the dust or is it like something is definably leaving track. Just don't clean for a day and see where they lead.

  12. Quote Originally Posted by Greg Deakins View Post
    all great suggestions! I think I figured it out though... Centipedes was the closest answer to what I believe it to be. Millipedes. (sp?) THis hasn't happened since last summer but if it rains a lot there will be hundreds of them huddled together under the weather flange of the overhead door. Forgot all about that, supposing they come out and hunt dust mites at night, that would make sense.
    Actually, I meant to type Millipede, but with the answer so short, it was off and gone before I realized my blunder.

    I used to get these all the time and have even caught them in the act of their malicious trail riding.

  13. #58
    Join Date
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    Chesterton, In
    Hey Guy's,
    PLEASE keep this going - I have been laughing so hard my belly hurts & I can't see for the tears in my eyes Some of these responses are simply great.

    Thanks for the entertainmnet - it's priceless !!


  14. #59
    I had a snake living in my shop for awhile last year but his tracks weren't as random as the ones you've got. And no, I didn't kill him, even though he'd strike at me every time I'd poke a finger at him. I just quit poking my finger at him and we got along fine. I'd vote for some kind of insect although fairies/gremlins sound like more fun.

  15. #60
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Chappell Hill, Texas
    If anyone suggested I had fairies in my shop I'd bean them.

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