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Thread: Dust Collection Conundrum

  1. #1

    Dust Collection Conundrum

    Why is it that people are so hung up on the improbable happening of pvc causing a fire within their dust collection ? Yet these same people have plastic or cloth bags, or a cardboard container as the final place for their dust to rest. You have a better chance ofa screw going through you metal DC impellar and causing a spark , or getting red hot and starting a fire in your dust.

    Not that this is highly probable, but more probable than pvc.

    BTW, Oneida which states that they advise not using pvc for pipes because of a fire hazard sells their cyclones with cardboard collectors.
    The fire code and OSHAstates that NO part of a DC systen can be flammable in commercial environments.

    Juct Wondering. :>)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Lewiston, Idaho
    Cardboard I suspect is less flammable than types of dusts.

    Dust....depending on it's size/concentration and material can not only be flammable but explosive.

    I don't support the fearful theory that PVC is a hazard in a home or small shop DC....

    Possible but not probable IMHO.

    OSHA rules generally apply to commerical/industrial shops and not to hobbiest shops ......thank you!
    Last edited by Ken Fitzgerald; 04-30-2009 at 1:29 PM.

    So much to learn, so little time.....

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    International Falls, MN
    well said Ken and just factual. Nice that this gets out again and again.

    More silly non-sense on pvc and such around than in about anything else. Guess it's the manufacturers who have the most to gain and lose and ..... there you have it in a nutshell

  4. #4
    Best I can remember, fire code applies to units moving 30,000 cubic feet per minute, Ain't going to happen in your shop.

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