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Thread: Santa's Workshop: 18 pens this weekend

  1. #1

    Santa's Workshop: 18 pens this weekend

    I'm new to turning, but I justified the purchase of the lathe by telling my wife that I'd make pens for Christmas presents. Thus the bank account and all of us would be happy. So it's Thanksgiving weekend and its time to perform on the deal!

    Thursday and Friday I cut out and bored 40 blanks. Today I turned 18 pens! I'm very enthusiastic about the project because it means that I can put some treasured cherry to very good use. I know that I'm not alone here. Many of you hang on to wood for a very long time. This cherry has been with me since 1978! The photo below shows the cherry tree in 1965 (I'm the handsome guy on the mower). It was on the property in 1943 when Dad bought the place. In 1978, the old tree came down, and Dad sawed some of the best limbs into lumber. Unfortunately limbs do not make good lumber! The lumber was very twisty, and didn't make it into any furniture, that's for sure.

    But pens? That's a different story. This Christmas about forty family members will get a piece of this family tree. It was the playground, gathering area, and picnic site for countless family events over the years.

    Duane McGuire

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Goodland, Kansas
    Great looking pens Duane. What a great gift with some great history behind it.

    Never put off until tomorrow what you can do the day after tomorrow.

    To succeed in life, you need three things: a wishbone, a backbone and a funnybone.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Lincoln, NE
    Looks like a great treasure from a place all will remember. Nice gifts.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Enid, Oklahoma
    Great idea... I'll bet the pens are a big hit. Pretty sneaky way to get a new tool. Everybody wins.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Harvey, Michigan
    Duane - great looking pens! Nothing like making personalized Christmas presents that have a family history attached! I am sure these pens will be treasured! Nice work! Thanks for sharing!

    “You never know what you got til it's gone!”
    Please don’t let that happen!
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  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Houston, Texas
    Wow! 18 pens in one day. Impressive!

    I spent all day working on my first bowl.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    central illinois
    Great story and great gift! I'm sure your family will love them.


  8. #8
    Nice job on the pens - I'm sure those that receive a pen will love it.

  9. #9
    Very nice pens! 18 in one weekend, wow. I managed 2. The family conection canges them from valuable to priceless.

    Sawdust Formation Engineer
    in charge of Blade Dulling

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Corsicana, TX
    Great looking pens... Even more wonderful with that story behind it.

  11. #11
    That's a great story behind those pens, that makes it even more special of a gift. It helps that the pens look good too!

  12. #12
    Thanks to all for your nice comments. I appreciate the opportunity to share the joy I find in this craft.

    Only 22 pens to go and 24 shopping days left.
    Duane McGuire

  13. #13
    Those are nice looking pens, but I think the story behind them is even better. To me, holding an old tool a deceased relative held or a piece of wood turned into something that has sentimental value is priceless and should be passed on for generations!
    Bellaire, TX

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