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Thread: Sketchup Help for room remodel

  1. #1

    Sketchup Help for room remodel

    Hi all,

    I have been bringing myself up to speed on sketchup for a new project. Replacing all the trim in dining room. I have the room built (as best as I can tell) in Sketchup and downloaded some of the finish moulding packs I see out there.

    I can import the mouldings into my sketchup file for the room. But for the life of me I can not figure out how to get the set up to add to my walls in my drawing.

    Does anyone have any insight or aware of a tutorial out there on this?

    I Tried to add my drawing, however even zipped it exceeds the limit.

    Appreciate any thoughts!

  2. #2
    Glad to hear that you're learning Sketchup. I've found it to be very useful.

    Before we tackle the issue you're having, let me suggest that in the case of replacing baseboard, or doing crown, i'm not sure that Sketchup will offer you the same benefit for time spent as it would on a piece of furniture, since it is more likely a manner of measuring the total run that you need to redo and buying that much moulding. That being said, if it helps you learn the program then its still a win.

    As for your issue, i'm not sure I understand the problem 100%. You should be able to use the Move tool to move the imported moulding onto the face of your walls. You should first group of make a component of your walls so that the moulding don't become part of the wall once they are in place. If you have a Google account, check out 3dwarehouse and upload your model. Then you can post a link to it on the forum and we will be better equipped to offer help.


  3. #3
    Jeff, thanks for the reply

    Here is a link to the model.

    To your point. I guess its a little of both. Like the idea of being able to show the room as is (base, chair and crown molding) and then toggle to new view with new molding, wainscotting and crown etc.

    Think it will be very heplful in getting the "bosses" approval.

    The problem. I am trying to add the base molding, chair rail and crown to the room so that it "looks" like it does now. I would like to then be able to toggle in my new design and show a before and after. However I cannot figure out how to manipulate the molding I imported on to the walls, or even upright for that matter. Not sure what I am missing.
    Last edited by Josh Buckley; 01-25-2010 at 5:11 PM. Reason: unfinished

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    New Hampshire
    I agree that this does not seem like the ideal project for SketchUp but I assume it is important to you to visualize the remodeled room. The way I would proceed is download the file with the mouldings and then select and copy the moulding profile I want to try. Next, go to the file for the room and having grouped the walls into components, paste the moulding into the drawing. Now the hard part, perhaps, is to next select the moulding and scale it as may be necessary and rotate as may be necessary. Finally move it into place on the wall. You may also have to use "push/pull" (extrude) or "follow me" during the process depending on the form the molding is presented to you. If it helps, I do not believe this is gong to be easy; especially the first time, so don't give up without a fight.

    To be able to toggle you will need to create a scene (window-scenes and +) then add a second scene. Now that you have two identical scenes you need to go to "Window-layers and +" to add a layer and to move the moulding to level 1 or 2 for example (use "window-entity info" in one of the scenes. Next, go to "window-layers" and select the layers to display for the current scene and "update" the scene (right click on scene name). Then go to the other scene and select the layer(s) to display and "update" the scene.
    Last edited by Ken Gardiner; 01-26-2010 at 7:12 AM.

  5. #5
    Josh, I don't think the link you provided for you model is complete. Could you either update the link, or just let us know what your nickname is on 3dwarehouse so that I can search for your model.

    Ken is right about the approach for different scenes. It sounds like you might need to hone up on some of the fundamentals first, such as using the move, rotate, scale tools etc. For those items, this message board isn't the ideal way to learn, I would recommend you check out THIS LINK which hosts a short video on each of the basic tools.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Piedmont Triad, NC
    There is an excellent add on for moulding here- -with a short video teaser to show what's possible to do with it. It is a $29 add on, but well worth the money if you do much of this type work, plus it's way cool. You can create your own library of profiles to use at the click of a mouse. It's a "follow me" tool on steroids. No affiliation, just a very satisfied(and impressed) user.

    There are several scripts for SketchUp at smustard, many free.

    Just noticed this in the features column of Profile Builder - "Export material quantity reports"
    Last edited by Tony Joyce; 01-25-2010 at 7:45 PM.
    "Only those who have the patience to do simple things perfectly will acquire the skill to do difficult things easily.”
    Friedrich von Schiller (1759-1805)

    "Quality means doing it right when no one is looking."
    Henry Ford

  7. #7
    Thanks for the advice. Can certainly brush up on some of the tuturoials.

    To me as a lay user it would seem like a great tool for view a project laid out and being able to toggle between new an old. You can try difffernt molding styles to choose what seems most asthetically pleasing. Not sure why this would not be used more often for this purpose.

    Here is the correct link. I did not copy over the full destination. I have managed to get a 2d verison of a base rail into the model and am now trying to figure out how to get it to follow me. I am going to go back and brush up on some tutorials, really taking this as an opportunity to learn while also doing something for my project.

    Thanks for the insight. If anyone else has input or suggestions, would greatly appreciate.

    Keep you posted on my progress

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    New Hampshire

    I was curious to see what I could do with your situation. I did not have much luck with "follow-me" so I used copy, paste, make unique, scale, rotate, move, and push/pull for about an hour to get these results. So it can be done but to do it easy may require some real planning up front such as making all walls components. I find using the the view mode "component edit-hide rest of model" to be very helpful when working with such a complex model. Allows you to take it one wall at a time.

    Good luck,
    Attached Files Attached Files
    Last edited by Ken Gardiner; 01-27-2010 at 6:04 PM.

  9. #9
    Ok, this was done in about 10 minutes using the follow me tool. The section in red is the profile that I copied from your group of moulding profiles. I rotated and moved it into position. From there, you draw a path that will be used for the follow me tool. Draw from the bottom corner of the wall all the way until the next doorway, tracing along the bottom of the wall. Now, you need to 'explode' the moulding profile (in red) that is at the start of your path. Next, select all of the lines that you drew at the base of the walls. Now choose the 'follow me' tool. It wants you to select the face for follow me, this is when you pick the face of your moulding profile. That should do it.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    New Hampshire
    Glad to see a better approach. That is definitely the way to go. I have done similar things in the past just couldn't seem to get it to work this time.

  11. #11
    Thanks a ton guys, will try this tonight. I was unable to originally get the molding to explode and follow me, so am going to dig back into that. Will post up my results this weekend when I make some progress.

    Really apprieciate your time and insight!!

  12. #12
    Follow-me is definitely the way to go. It took me a long time and several tries to really get the hang of it, but once you've got it, doing stuff like moulding is a breeze.

    Here's a video tutorial on how to make mouldings:

    B.t.w. There are two ways to specify the path of the follow-me tool. One way, which is illustrated in the video is to grab the profile and then drag it along the path. I find this a bit difficult to use. The alternate way is to first select the path using the selection tool (the arrow icon), then get the follow-me tool and click on the moulding profile. Voila it will instantly blast the profile along the path.


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