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Thread: Contemporary Furniture Design

  1. #1

    Contemporary Furniture Design

    So I'm new to woodworking and interested in contemporary style furniture. I'm having a lot of trouble finding good resources online or in print though. Most of the woodworking publications/tutorials seem geared toward Mission/Shaker/ Arts & Crafts styles. I'd like to learn techniques for building and designing contemporary furniture, as well as find galleries of existing pieces to browse and draw inspiration from. any ideas?

    Justin Miles

  2. #2
    Search "Danish Style Furniture".

    You might also try searching Fine Woodworking online. They have galleries of furniture people have made organized by style.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    North Central PA
    Look at Taunton's Design Book series or any of the fine books published by the Furniture Society.
    (check Amazon)

  4. #4
    I'l look into those now! Thanks.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Winterville, NC (eastern NC)
    Barnes and Noble.
    Lots of choices there in the Woodworking section, the antiques books and also architecture/home books.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Justin Miles View Post
    I'd like to learn techniques for building and designing contemporary furniture, as well as find galleries of existing pieces to browse and draw inspiration from. any ideas?
    The techniques and joints are no different. Sometimes a design might provide challenges which aren't covered in the right angle boxy designs that you usually see, but the principles are the same.

    As for sources, it depends on what you really mean by "contemporary." If you mean mid century and slightly more recent I would look at
    They have a variety in their weekly items that you just won't find in books or magazines. The downside is that you'll have to look at the site over a period of time. Over time you will see variations on similar themes that can be really interesting. If you mean truly contemporary then craft magazines and design/fashion magazines are a good place to look e.g Wallpaper, Objekt, etc.

    Since you're just starting, keep in mind that design is a long slow education. Draw a lot, it's the best way to think about shapes and designs. Models and mockups help too since things will usually look a little different than you expect. It takes years to train your eye, so take your time.

  7. #7
    In addition to the resources suggested here, you might also do an internet search for Tage Frid (rhymes with "hey kid"). Tage was a master of modern furniture design and construction and a well known educator in this area. He published several books that are still available.
    David DeCristoforo

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Jon van der Linden View Post
    If you mean truly contemporary then craft magazines and design/fashion magazines are a good place to look e.g Wallpaper, Objekt, etc.
    This is definitely more what I'm after. I checked out those sites and they are right on target, thanks. I've also found dwell magazine and "Loft Life" to be good resources if anyone else has similar interests.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Northern California
    Try this link . There's always good ideas and inspiration here.

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