This evening I received the email message shown below from my daughter. Normally, I wouldn’t ask for anything such as this but I know what a caring and giving group woodworkers are – how many projects you design and build for your kids, grandkids or just the community in general.

If, after reading the message and checking out the contest site you think it worthy, your vote for the Chesapeake Fun Forest Park would certainly be appreciated. Perhaps some of you living in the area might be interested in getting involved, either helping design or donating your services. I know if I was in the area, I would certainly offer my services to help these kids.

It is a shame that some low-life cretin with no respect for others has robbed the kids in the area of their park!



Dear Family and friends,

I do not normally write emails such as this, but this is important to me and
my children.

In Chesapeake we have a large city park. 3 acres of this is fenced off and
was made into a children’s park (called Fun Forest) in 1994 through the
efforts of some 2,000 community volunteers and lots of fundraising and
donations. At the time it was developed, it was the largest handicap-
accessible park on the east coast.

On April 1st someone set fire to the park. After holding an Egg Hunt there
over Easter weekend, the park was closed. My kids were in tears when I had to
tell them we could no longer go to their favorite park because someone had
burned it down. Luckily an article in the paper a few days later indicated
that only one section of the park had been burned … a large educational
section that had slides and taught about science and math. The city quickly
razed the rest of the structure and had the park back open for
part of Spring Break. My kids and I were very happy to see only the one
part had been torched. Unfortunately with the economy like it is, the city
does not have the budget to rebuild. But, luckily, there has once again
been a great drive by the community to rebuild and make it even better.
Fundraisers and donations by individuals and local businesses has already

Our park has been entered into the Sears More Green Across America contest
and is a finalist for a $30,000 grand prize. Currently we are the high
scorer but as with all things on the internet that could change. Voting
continues until May 5th. Each person can enter 1 time per day.

While I would love for you to take the time and use all your votes for our
park, I don’t think that would be fair. However, I am asking that you take
a moment from your busy schedule to check out the contest and vote for the
park you most think deserves it. I had never heard about this contest until
it was mentioned in an article about Fun Forest in our local paper.
Here is the link:_

Sears More Green Across America Contest