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Thread: Coolmeadow Creations Shop Rehab

  1. #46
    Lookin' good Jim! I haven't checked in for a long time (been super busy)...looks like you have too. Betcha you're ready to get it finished!

  2. #47
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    SF Bay Area, CA
    Fun stuff, Jim. I am having fun redoing my garage as well...I'm still going...getting close to a year for me!
    Wood: a fickle medium....

    Did you know SMC is user supported? Please help.

  3. #48
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    West of Ft. Worth, TX
    Thanks Kelly. If you know you are going to be on this side of town, let me know. You're welcome over for a look see.

    Yeah Chris, I've been watching your progress. I'll be glad when I get as close as you are. You should be hooking up equipment and running ductwork, I'm guessing. After seeing your floor, I'm thinking about doing something similar, though, an older floor like mine would probably have to have a muratic acid wash so the paint would hold.

    I've been in the shop for about 3 hours this am. I think I'm to a stopping point on the electrical until I get the 220 receptacles. I changed out a metal electrical box for a plastic one that had a lot more depth so that the wires weren't so packed in. Wired one more 110 receptacle that I had somehow not run a wire to!?!? Wired up the last jumper box in the ceiling. Now I need lights and 220 receptacles. I did cut a batten (not sure if this is the proper term or not) to cover the gap on the swing out doors. I can still work some this weekend on weatherproofing said door. This afternoon will be spent building and carpeting a Kitty scratching post/jungle jim with a friend. He should be here in about 30 minutes, so I should go find some wood to do this with. Have a great 4th of July!!! Jim.

  4. #49
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    West of Ft. Worth, TX
    Long time, no update!
    July got away from me...we had a 4 day dog show weekend to Houston. Rained 3 of the 4 days we were there. Walking dogs in the rain is NOT my idea of fun. But we did as well as we expected to at the show, and had fun visiting with friends and new acquaintances.

    The shop. I spent two days in July over two weekends cleaning the shop. Now all the trash wood is on a couple saw horses in front of the shop waiting for me to run out of other things to do and cut it up and take to the trash. I moved most of the keep items into the finishing room to make working in the shop a little easier. I decided what to do for the cyclone set up, so I have spent the last 3 partial weekends working on the cyclone closet. I have the side walls built. I built, for lack of a better term, a "tree" for the cyclone to hang on that won't touch any of the walls for sound proofing (hopefully). I found that the black styrofoam that Ed packs his cyclones in makes a pretty good insulator. I put several pieces under the bottom legs of the tree, and other pieces between the tree and the walls. If I hit the closet wall, I get a ringing vibration along the whole north wall. If I hit the tree the same way, all I get is a dull thud, so I think this will work pretty good. I insulated the closet wall behind the tree and put up a vapor barrier. I also put insulation on the tree from behind for sound proofing. Trying to decide if I need to put peg board on this.
    I cleared all the MDF parts one weekend, started assembling the following weekend. Thought I'd get it ALL hung up today, but didn't happen. When i put the motor and it's mounting board (MDF) up this morning, I instantly got a 1/4" sag across the front edge. That Leeson motor is a monster! So off to HD to get some angle iron to stiffen it up. Put a piece at the front, and one at the back. Appears to work fine now.
    It was bad enough getting the motor/impeller assembly up on the mounting legs of the tree, but I thought the lift system I had designed to raise the assembly from there would be easier. It wasn't! I had made the two mounting arms wrap around two of the three vertical 2X4's, and the legs going back to the vertical supports from the outside edge of the motor platform (forming a triangle) had some screws protruding about 3/16", just enough to get a bite into the wood. (Envision an electric company employee climbing a telephone pole in the olden days. strap around the pole and his waist (horizontal part of the platform) and spikes on his shoes (the part forming the triangle on the platform). Take the weight off of the screws digging into the wood, push up, let screws dig into the wood to hold while I get another rung up the ladder. One side was a little tight after being painted and didn't slide as easlily as it needed to for quick travel, so I had to do one side an inch, then the other side an inch until I got it where I needed it to be. Then I was able to screw it down where it won't go anyplace. Made doing this by myself doable. There's no way I could have gotten that assembly 10' up in the air by myself. It would have been iffy with help. But I'm already feeling it in my back, so I'll be paying the piper tomorrow!
    I'll attach several photos. I'll have to break them across a couple entries. Hope everyone had a great weekend! Jim.

    picture 1 is the closet
    picture 2 is the tree in front of the closet
    picture 4 is the top of the tree inside the closet

    edit. That's not right! let me rotate those, again!
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    Last edited by Jim O'Dell; 08-21-2005 at 8:55 PM.

  5. #50
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    West of Ft. Worth, TX
    Picture 1 is the closet north wall insulated with vapor barrier
    Picture 2 is the tree in place, motor hung, insulation on the tree
    picture 3 is a close up of the motor assembly showing the angle iron attached.

    Thanks for looking! Jim.
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  6. #51
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    SE PA - Central Bucks County
    That poor impeller...hangin' out there all neked and all that... (Thanks for the update, Jim!)

  7. #52
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    West of Ft. Worth, TX
    Yeah, it does...doesn't it? I tried to give it some insulation to keep it comfortable. And when it's finished, it won't have much more around it!! Jim.

  8. #53
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    West of Ft. Worth, TX
    WOW! Has it really been since August since I updated here??? Well, actually not a lot has been done since then. I have finished the receptacles and started the lights. I'm building my reflectors since I can't find T8 fixtures that come with them, at least not at a reasonable price. I would have used the troffers, but not enough space between the ceiling joists, and I don't have enough ceiling height to have them on the surface. So far I've mounted two 4' twin tube units, one above the future work bench, and another that will be at the end of the future TS extension table. Two 8' quad tube units have been temporarily placed for calculations of other lights, and to make sure they would fit properly. I will include 2 pictures. Picture 1 shows one of the finished 4' units, and picture 2 shows one of the 8' and the skeleton that the reflector material mounts to. The material is a sheet of Glasliner FRP in bright white from HD. I need at least 3 more sheets to finish the shop reflectors, and 1 more to do the finishing room. Hopefully I'll be able to get 2 sheets next weekend and some more 2X6 material to build the rest of the skeleton. Thanks for looking. As always, if you see something wrong, don't hesitate to point it out. I'd rather know now than have to rip something out later! Jim.
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  9. #54
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    West of Ft. Worth, TX
    Well. the updates just aren't coming very fast or often these days. Hope everyone has had a great Christmas Day!

    As I sit here and finish my Christmas lunch of fried chicken strip sandwich and Flaming Hot Cheetoes (Hey, were having a friend over for steaks tonight!!), I thought I'd show you what I've gotten accomplished the last month or so:

    The first 2 are of the ceiling lights I talked about in the last post. I now have four-8', 4 bulb fixtures and three-4', 2 bulb fixtures wired in ready for bulbs. I still have the temporary 3 bulb T-12 fixture hanging for lights for now.

    Pictures 3, 4, and 5 are of the J-box I used to protect the 2/0 cables and ground wire as they come into the shop from the meter box, inside the meter box, and the mostly finished breaker box. I have 2 ground rods, 1 on 2 adjacent walls pretty much equal distance from the breaker box. I have the one by the meter box installed, but the second one is still loose. I'll wait to see what Tommy says when I can schedue him for a look see to make sure what I've done is kosher, electrical wise. (Tommy, if you read this, I'll call you after the first of the year to see what your schedule is like). I need to see if the meter box needs to be grounded to this wire...I don't see a built in way to do it.
    Guess I ought to turn the TV on and see what the Cowboys are up to today. Should be close to half time. Can you tell I'm real interested?? Jim.

    edit: Can't find the game on. Maybe they played yesterday??
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    Last edited by Jim O'Dell; 12-25-2005 at 3:29 PM.
    Coolmeadow Setters...Exclusively Irish! When Irish Eyes are smiling....They're usually up to something!!
    Home of Irish Setter Rescue of North Texas.
    No, I'm not an electrician. Any information I share is purely what I would do myself. If in doubt, hire an electrician!
    Member of the G0691 fan club!
    At a minimum, I'm Pentatoxic...Most likely I'm a Pentaholic. There seems to be no known cure. Pentatonix, winners of The Sing Off, s3.

  10. #55
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    West of Ft. Worth, TX
    Welllllllll, I missed having the electrical done by the end of the year, but I got real close. I hooked up temporary 110 from the house to the breaker box to check circuits. Had 3 problems.

    #1 The line I have been using for power for small tools and a radio (it originally ran a pair of flood lights on the corner of the shop controlled by a switch in the garage) when used for this purpose instantly blew the breaker in the main house for it's circuit. I even tried switching the hot and neutral wires as they are not standard color coming out of the ground (red, white and green) didn't help. Ran an extension cord from the garage that is on the same house braker, and everything works fine!! This may take some time to figure out.

    #2 One pair of my overhead halogen lights ended up being hardwired instead of switched. Went to the junction box and fixed that, worked fine. Guess I had switched the wall receptacle instead by accident.

    #3 This drove me nuts for about 2 hours. I had one wall receptacle that wouldn't light my test light (night light!) I traced the wiring several times, all looked good. I finally got my Simpson volt ohm meter, showed I had power on the wire, but not the receptacle. Could a new receptacle be bad??? Had more, swapped it out. Same problem Now I'm getting frustrated. Take receptacle back out, check the bare wires. Meter shows power. Hook it back up....nothing. Checked with meter with wires hooked to receptacle, shows power. BUT, only shows about 50 volts. WHAT THE HECK????? Went back and this time took the wire nuts off the wires in the junction box...broken wire. But you knew that, didn't you???
    Man, I was glad I finally found it. But now I need a few more cover plates to finish out the install, and install the bulbs and lenses in the fixtures. I ordered 25 T-8 bulbs last night. That will give me 3 extras untill I add some fixtures later. I need 4 - PAR 20 50 watt bulbs for 4 of the surface mount spots. Regular bulbs fit the fixtures, but it looks like the halogens are available in spots and floods, plus that's what the fixture says to use.
    I'm sure the borgs will be closed tomorrow, so this will wait.
    Coolmeadow Setters...Exclusively Irish! When Irish Eyes are smiling....They're usually up to something!!
    Home of Irish Setter Rescue of North Texas.
    No, I'm not an electrician. Any information I share is purely what I would do myself. If in doubt, hire an electrician!
    Member of the G0691 fan club!
    At a minimum, I'm Pentatoxic...Most likely I'm a Pentaholic. There seems to be no known cure. Pentatonix, winners of The Sing Off, s3.

  11. #56
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    West of Ft. Worth, TX
    Me again...Had to share my frustration, I know you'll understand.
    I went to the shop this afternoon after the Stars game (I worked this am at my real job). Started playing with the 55 gallon plastic drum I got at work for the chip catcher. Thought I needed to lower the cyclone to be closer to the top of the drum. I had the cyclone mounted where the motor was about 2" from the peak of the roof. This bothered me from the stand point of heat on the motor, wiring the motor (failed to do it before I mounted the cyclone up so high), as well as the 12" from the bottom of the cyclone to the drum. So I start removing screws, forgot I had so many in it, had to take the mounting bolts out of the motor plate to move the whole unit out to get to the hidden screws, then lower the unit one leg at a time to the right height, level the motor plate and the cyclone, then retighten everything.. Took me about 1 1/2 hours to do it. Looks better, more head room for the motor for cooling, and easier to get to for the wiring. I stand back admiring my work, then it dawns on me.... now the straight shot I had for my inlet pipe goes right through a ceiling joist. I don't want to raise it back up, so now I have an engineering problem to deal with in how to cut out about 7 or 8 inches of the joist, but reinforce things where it is structurally safe. I think I have it worked out, and it will fix another problem I have, albiet minor, in the process.
    Seems I always take one step forward, two steps (or 20 ) backward. Well at least I have tomorrow planned out for me now!
    Thanks for listening to me blow some steam off. Jim.
    Coolmeadow Setters...Exclusively Irish! When Irish Eyes are smiling....They're usually up to something!!
    Home of Irish Setter Rescue of North Texas.
    No, I'm not an electrician. Any information I share is purely what I would do myself. If in doubt, hire an electrician!
    Member of the G0691 fan club!
    At a minimum, I'm Pentatoxic...Most likely I'm a Pentaholic. There seems to be no known cure. Pentatonix, winners of The Sing Off, s3.

  12. #57
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Lake Leelanau, MI
    Hang in there Jim. It's looks good and I think all of us get frustrated. I've been working a yr. and 3 months now, and it seems like every part of the job has to be be started over again. It'll all come together and will be great.

    John Bailey
    Sawmill Creek is a member supported forum. Click here to donate.

  13. #58
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    St. Louis
    I know the shop is a lot of work Jim, but I gotta tell ya, you need to post more pup pix. We thought about doing the rescue thing. Even got on the list, but then we realized we'd never give them up.
    Where did I put that tape measure...

  14. #59
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    West of Ft. Worth, TX

    Slightly off theme of the thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Gary Herrmann
    I know the shop is a lot of work Jim, but I gotta tell ya, you need to post more pup pix. We thought about doing the rescue thing. Even got on the list, but then we realized we'd never give them up.
    Gary, a lot of our foster homes feel the same way. Many of our foster homes keep the first one, then see how we view rescue work. If Glenna and I kept one or two, then we couldn't help save any more of them. We feel it is our mission to find the needy rescues, specifically Irish Setters for us although we have helped 5 or 6 English Setters and a couple of Goldens, rehabilitate them (we have one here now with a broken leg and is heart worm positive...he'll be with us for a few months) then find them loving forever homes. That way, we continue our mission and can help more dogs. We are lucky that we have a large network of foster families that help us. We have 4 dogs of our own, and there are 5 in foster care right now, only the one here at our house. We've had as many as 5 extra for a short time. Actually there have only been a couple of the dogs that I would have kept. My wife would have held on to a couple different ones. Considering that was over a span of 5 years and about 85 dogs or so, I thought we were doing very good!!
    Don't give up on the idea. Know that you personally can't keep every dog in need. Know what your limits are, personally and by city code (that's part of the reason we moved to an unincorporated area). It's very rewarding, and sometimes heartbraking. Just like life. Jim.
    Coolmeadow Setters...Exclusively Irish! When Irish Eyes are smiling....They're usually up to something!!
    Home of Irish Setter Rescue of North Texas.
    No, I'm not an electrician. Any information I share is purely what I would do myself. If in doubt, hire an electrician!
    Member of the G0691 fan club!
    At a minimum, I'm Pentatoxic...Most likely I'm a Pentaholic. There seems to be no known cure. Pentatonix, winners of The Sing Off, s3.

  15. #60
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    West of Ft. Worth, TX
    All Right!! The Olympics are on, and I'm working on my ducting....what's wrong with this???
    I decided after work yesterday (Sat) that I really didn't want to fight the cooler weather in the unheated shop, so I stayed inside with the dogs (LOML was gone with 2 of them to an agility trial in McKinney) and watched some of the Olympics and played on the computer.
    Today I started the ducting. I had built a bulkhead, if that is the right term here, to span a ceiling joist that I needed to cut for the inlet duct going to the cyclone. I really didn't want to have a curve in it that close to the unit. I know, I know, I should have plenty of headroom with this cyclone, but that's just me. In fact, I spent about 1 1/2 hours total deburring the fittings with a dremel and some emory cloth. Yeah, the "A" word probably fits here. So today started with mounting the transition to the cyclone and siliconing it in place with some screws for security, per the instructions. Well, I did use 5 instead of the 4 in the instructions, but.... At this point I could mathmatically mark the 7 1/2 degree incline of the pipe and therefore the opening I needed to cut in the two sheets of 5/8" plywood I used to sandwich the roof rafters, ceiling joist, and 2X6 header I put under the ceiling joist to be cut for the ductwork to pass through. The header is mounted to two 2X8 headers cantilevered four feet past the walls for the cyclone closet.Ok, I used a 1X2, taped a pencil on it and used it to extend the inlet over and draw the hole. It actually worked pretty good! I could have cut the hole a little lower (1/4"), but it's good to go as is. Then I started measuring and cutting and re-cutting and re-cutting the 6" PVC pipe. I found that my table saw needs to have some tender loving recalibration work done on it since I moved it from the garage a few weeks ago.
    Right now the duct work is just dry fitted. The section of pipe above the BS in picture 3 needs to be longer, and I'll need another piece of pipe to go over to the multi station, but I think it's going to work. I only had to move 2 ceiling mounted electrical outlets, and one of the spot light cans for the BS in the process. Not too bad I guess.
    Thanks for looking. GO TEAM USA!!And good luck to ALL the competitors. May everyone involved have a safe and enjoyable Olympics. Jim

    Edit I forgot the pictures! #1 is of the inlet and transition tube. #2 is the outlet for the TS, and #3 is the outlet for the BS/Jointer.
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    Last edited by Jim O'Dell; 02-12-2006 at 7:24 PM.
    Coolmeadow Setters...Exclusively Irish! When Irish Eyes are smiling....They're usually up to something!!
    Home of Irish Setter Rescue of North Texas.
    No, I'm not an electrician. Any information I share is purely what I would do myself. If in doubt, hire an electrician!
    Member of the G0691 fan club!
    At a minimum, I'm Pentatoxic...Most likely I'm a Pentaholic. There seems to be no known cure. Pentatonix, winners of The Sing Off, s3.

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